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People with AB+ blood can receive blood of any type. This is the reason why AB+ is called the universal recipient.

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AB+ can recieve any blood group.O- can donate to any.

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Q: Which blood group can receive blood from all blood group?
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Can someone who is of AB positive blood type receive other types of blood?

Only AB negative. If it's anything else, it won't work because the immune system targets unknown cells. If it only knows AS neg., then it will attack A or B. Whereas Blood type O is the "universal donor", it can be donated to anyone or anyone with it can receive blood from anyone. I forget why although i learned it in bio earlier this year

What blood type is the universal receiver explain?

Universal receiver is O positive type blood. Individuals with type AB positive blood can also receive blood from any group, but can donate blood only to another AB type. A group A individual can receive blood only from individuals of groups A or O, and can donate blood to individuals with type A or AB. A group B person can receive blood only from individuals with groups B or O and can donate blood to types B or AB. Blood group O persons can receive blood only from a group O individual but can donate blood to individuals who have A, B, O or AB. This is why blood type must be carefully checked by medical personnel prior to authorizing a transfusion. Some people store up their own type in hospitals in case of accidents. Hospitals also keep all types on hand in the form of plasma, Plasma can be easily utilized on the battlefield.

What is the difference between the Bombay blood group and the o negative group?

The Oh negative blood group is the same as the Bombay blood group. The Oh negative group should not be confused with the type O blood group. The Bombay blood group is very rare and results from two recessive H alleles (hh). This means that they cannot produce the "H" antigen, and as a result, they can't produce "A" or "B" antigen on their red blood cells. They can give blood to individuals of any other blood type but can only receive blood from other Bombay blood type individuals.

What is the blood type that contains antigens a and b?

Type AB blood contains both A and B antigens. This allows the person to receive blood from types A, B, O, and AB.

What blood type can A receive from?

Depending on whether you are A+ or A- you can receive different types of blood. If you have A+ blood you can often receive blood from A+, A-, O+, and O-. However, if you are A- you can only usually receive blood from A- and O-.

Related questions

What blood type should each kind should donate to and receive from?

Blood group A can donate and receive blood from blood group A. Blood group B can donate and receive blood from blood group B. Blood group AB can donate only to blood group AB and receive from any other blood group (they are universal recipent) Blood group O can donate to any other blood group ( they are universal donor) and can receive from only blood group O.

Can all people receive all blood types?

No, this is obvious that not because each human have a different blood group and if there will be a blood transfer, they will definitely need blood with the same group as they have!!

Can individuals with Type AB blood may receive transfusions from individuals with Type O- blood?

Yes- the AB blood group is known as the 'Universal Recipient', since they can receive blood from any group. Blood group O is known as the 'Universal Donor', since all other blood groups can receive this type, but people with group O can only receive from other group O types.

Ab blood group?

If you are in the AB blood group, you can only donate blood to others in the AB group. You can receive blood from any group.

Why can people with blood group ab receive blood from other blood groups but cannot donate to them?

People with blood group AB can receive blood from other blood groups but cannot donate to them because of antibodies carried on the red blood cells of group AB donors that would destroy the red cells of a blood recipient from another group.

What group can you give blood if you have blood group A?

A ab Blood Group A+ve patient can receive donors of Group: A +ve . A-ve . O+ve And O -ve , and patient with blood group A -ve and can only receive A-ve and O -ve, in terms of Packed red cells ( Red blood cells) is required .

Can a person with type a blood receive blood from a person with type ab?

Yes, and this person can also receive blood from blood group type A and 0. If there are complications it is probably due the an other type of blood group, the rhesus blood group.

Can a person with type AB blood receive all types of blood?


AB positive blood group and what should be your life partner's blood group?

Anyone. AB can receive from anyone and positive can receive from positive and negative.

Explain what the ABO blood types are and why?

ABO blood types are inherited through genes on chromosome 9, and they do not change as a result of environmental influences during life. . .(A, B, or O]

Can a person with blood group O donate for another person of Blood group AB undergoing heart surgery or should he take only AB?

Group "O" can donate blood to all other groups but can receive back only from "O" group.

Which blood group can accept all groups blood?

Rh O negative is the universal donor, and can be given to anyone regardless of their bloodtype.