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the lysosomes

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The organelle that releases chemicals for breaking down and recycling cellular components is the lysosome. It contains enzymes that help to digest and recycle unwanted materials within the cell.

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Q: Which organelle releases chemicals that break down and recycle cells and organelles?
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Which organelle is only found in an animal cell?


What organelle is responsible for breaking things down?

Lysosomes. As they contain potent enzymes responsible splitting complex chemical compounds into simpler subunits i.e. protein polysaccharides and lipids.

Which organelle in the cell stores waste?

The lysosome is an organelle in the cell that stores waste material. It contains enzymes that break down and recycle cellular debris and waste products. This helps maintain cell cleanliness and function.

Where is the cell's recycling center?

Lysosomes are considered the cells recycling center OR the recycle bin of the cells. These organelles are basically vessicles containing acids and enzymes in their interior that degrade the waste material of the cell.

What are cellular organelles job?

Cellular organelles are specialised structures within a cell that carry out specific functions. The major organelles are: Nucleus: This is the control centre of the cell containing the genetic material that controls the activities of the cell. Mitochondria: These are the energy factories of the cell converting food into energy for the cell. Endoplasmic reticulum: This is a network of membranes that transport proteins and other molecules within the cell. Ribosomes: These are small organelles that construct proteins from the instructions of the nucleus. Golgi apparatus: This organelle modifies packages and distributes proteins and lipids throughout the cell. Lysosomes: These are small organelles that contain digestive enzymes which break down and recycle cellular material. Vacuoles: These are large storage sacs that store food water enzymes and other molecules. Chloroplasts: These are found in plants and algae and are responsible for photosynthesis.The functions of these organelles are essential for the survival and growth of the cell as each organelle has its own unique job that helps keep the cell functioning.

Related questions

Which organelles recycle?


What organelle contains digestive enzymes that are used to recycle unwanted material in the cell?

The organelle that contains digestive enzymes used to recycle unwanted material in the cell is the lysosome. Lysosomes break down biomolecules and cellular waste through a process called autophagy, which helps maintain cellular homeostasis by removing damaged organelles and foreign particles.

What is the porpouse lysosome?

The lysosome is called the recycle bin on the cell. This organelle is essentially a pouch filled with hydrolytic digestive enzyme that break down unused proteins, worn out organelles and ingested bacteria and viruses.

Which organelle is only found in an animal cell?


What part of the cell is responsible for destroying cell parts?

The lysosomes are responsible for breaking down cell parts that are no longer functional or needed through a process called autophagy. These organelles contain enzymes that help to digest and recycle cellular waste.

How do they recycle gray water?

Water sewage, chemicals.

Cells can recycle used or damaged organelles using the powerfull enzymes in the?


What degrades macromolecules and releases the subunits into the cytoplasm?

It is done by lysosomes. They recycle materials in cell

What is a life example of lysosome?

recycling plantLysosomes contain digestive enzymes.These are used to kill wared organelles and recycle them

Enzymes in lysosomes digest organs why?

Enzymes in lysosomes digest organelles as part of the cell's normal function to break down and recycle cellular components. This process, known as autophagy, helps maintain cellular balance by removing damaged or unneeded organelles. If lysosomal enzymes are released outside the lysosome, they can cause harm to the cell and surrounding tissue.

What organelle is responsible for breaking things down?

Lysosomes. As they contain potent enzymes responsible splitting complex chemical compounds into simpler subunits i.e. protein polysaccharides and lipids.

What eats dead organelles and cleans cells?

Lysosomes are organelles within cells that contain enzymes responsible for breaking down cellular waste, including dead organelles. This process is known as autophagy and helps to clean and recycle cellular components.