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The part of the bacterial cell that appears to play the most important role in determining whether an organism if gram-positive or not is the cell wall. it is determined by whether or not it retains the stain during testing.

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9y ago
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1mo ago

The cell wall structure of bacteria is determined by gram staining. Bacteria are categorized into two groups based on the retention or lack of retention of a violet crystal dye during the staining process: Gram-positive bacteria retain the dye due to a thick layer of peptidoglycan, while Gram-negative bacteria do not retain the dye due to a thinner peptidoglycan layer.

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14y ago

Cell walls. The peptidoglycan of gram positive bacteria is much thicker, thus holding the Gram stain through the wash. Gram negative bacteria have two thinner walls wuth two periplasam spaces and the stain washes off these bacteria almost completely.

ok decent answer..very simple should i say.

Gram (-)

- thing PG layer

- Single peptide cross link

- outer membrane

- porins

- periplasm (periplasmic space)


Gram (+)

-Thick PG layer

- Pentapeptide cross link

- wall and Lipo teichoic acids

biggest differences that should get you through microbiology

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9y ago

Gram stain binds to peptidoglycan, so bacteria with double membranes with thin peptidoglycan layers are more likely not to bind to it, so are usually gram negative, while single membraned bacteria with thick peptidoglycan layers are more likely to be gram positive.

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10y ago

The structure of bacteria that is determined by gram staining is single membrane bacteria that has a thick peptidoglycan surrounding it. When a gram stain is done on a acid-fast bacteria, it normally appears as a gram-positive bacteria.

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9y ago

In Gram+ bacteria, the dark purple crystal violet stain is retained by the thick layer of peptidoglycan which forms the outer layer of the cell.

In Gram- bacteria, the thin peptidoglycan layer in the periplasm does not retain the dark stain, and the pink safranin counterstain stains the peptidoglycan layer.

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14y ago

The cell wall gram positive bacteria contais peptoglycan which reacts with Gram's Stain and develop Purple color which is not washed by alcohol.

Pradeep Kumar

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12y ago

Cell Wall

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Q: Which structure of bacteria is determied by gram staining?
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What is the value of gram staining?

Gram staining is a common technique used to differentiate bacteria into two large groups based on their cell wall composition. It is valuable in microbiology for classifying bacteria into Gram-positive or Gram-negative, which can provide important information to help guide treatment decisions for bacterial infections.

What is Phylum Gram-Positive?

Gram-positive is a classification of bacteria based on their cell wall structure. Bacteria in the phylum Firmicutes are typically Gram-positive, meaning they retain the crystal violet stain in the Gram staining technique. Gram-positive bacteria have a thick layer of peptidoglycan in their cell walls, which gives them their characteristic staining property and contributes to their resilience.

What counter stain is used in gram staining?


Can a virus be gram stained?

No, viruses cannot be gram stained because they are too small to be visualized under a light microscope, which is required for performing gram staining. Gram staining is a technique used to classify bacteria based on their cell wall composition and structure.

What shape are gram negative bacteria?

Gram negative bacteria are typically rod-shaped (bacilli) or corkscrew-shaped (spirochetes). They have a double cell membrane composed of an inner and outer membrane, which contributes to their staining properties in the Gram staining technique.

What is the color of Gram positive bacteria and why?

Gram positive bacteria retain a violet color when stained with the Gram stain due to their thick layer of peptidoglycan in the cell wall. This layer retains the crystal violet dye during the staining process, giving them their characteristic color.

Is gram staining related to flagella?

No, gram staining and flagella are not directly related. Gram staining is a technique used to classify bacteria based on cell wall characteristics, while flagella are thread-like appendages that help bacteria move. Flagella presence or absence does not affect the results of a gram stain.

What is the slime layer that surround gram negative bacteria and keeps them from taking up purple stain?


Does giardia show up on gram stain?

no, it's eukaryotic. Gram staining is for bacteria.

What is the staining process for separating bacteria?

One common staining process for separating bacteria is the Gram staining method. This involves applying crystal violet, iodine, alcohol, and safranin to the bacterial sample. Gram-positive bacteria will retain the crystal violet stain, appearing purple, while Gram-negative bacteria will not retain it and will appear pink after the safranin counterstain.

Why to gram stain bacteria?

gram staining is a biochemical method of identifying bacteria in a more specific way.Thus it is important to differentiate gram positive and gram negative bacteria.

Finctions of alcohol in gram staining?

alcohol is organic solvent , it dissolves lipid in cell wall of Gram negative bacteria . this allows out flow of C.V. and counter staining by safranine which results in red color of Gram negative bacteria .