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Gram positive bacteria stain purple due to the chemistry and structure of their petidoglycan cell wall

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it turned blue after staining. (Blue)

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Q: What is the color of Gram positive bacteria and why?
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Is lactobacillus casei is a gram negative bacteria or gram positive?

The Bacteria Sarcina lutea is Gram Positive Because If You Perform the Gram Test It Will Turn The Violet Color Which indicates It's Positiveness. What Makes It Positive Is the Peptidoglycan Located Within The The Bacterium

What would be the result of over destaining on gram-positive types?

Over destaining can cause the purple color from the gram positive bacteria to be washed away, so when you apply the safrinin the gram positive bacteria will take up a pink color causing gram positive bacteria to appear gram negative.

What is the advantage of the gram stain over the simple stain?

gram staining differentiates between gram negative and gram positive bacteria by showing different colors. it shows blue or purple like color for gram positive bacteria and red color for gram negative bacteria. where as simple stain gives the same color to all the types of bacteria. hence it is difficult to differentiate between them.

Do gram-positive cells carry a net positive charge?

Gram-positive does not refer to a positive charge, but to the purple color of the stain. Gram-negative bacteria do not retain the purple dye and are instead red in color.

What color is gram-negative stain?

Red or pink. Gram Positive = Purple or Violet, Gram Negative = Red or Pink. I just think of the mnemonic Positive-Purple both starting with P.

What does gram negative on a serratia marcescens gram stain mean?

Bacteria are gram positive or gram negative. Serratia happens to be a gram negative bacteria. They appear pink on a gram stain. Gram positive bacteria stain to a purple color on a gram stain. We can classify and ID bacteria using their gram stain and shape. Some antibiotics only work on gram negative bacteria and some only work on gram positive bacteria. It helps a doctor know which antibiotic to use.

Is lactobacillus bacteria gram positive bactaria?

Lactobacillus is gram positive bacteria

Is azospirillum a gram positive bacteria?

Gram positive

What kingdom is gram positive bacteria?

Kingdom Gram-Positive Bacteria is a kingdom within the domain Bacteria.

Is Staphylococcus saprophyticus gram positive or negative?

Yes. Staphylococci are classified as gram positive bacteria and appear as purple spheres when Gram stained.

What is gram positive strain?

Gram-positive bacterium are those that are stained dark blue or violet by Gram Staining. This is in contrast to Gram-Negative Bacterium, which cannot retain the crystal violet stain, instead taking up the counter-stain and appearing red or pink. Gram-positive organisms are able to retain the crystal violet stain because of the high amount of peptidoglycan in the cell wall. Gram-positive cell walls typically lack the outer membrane found in Gram-negative bacteria.

What color is gram negative stain and gram positive stain if you forget to apply iodine?

If iodine is not applied, both the gram-positive and gram-negative stains will appear to be gram-negative. The iodine acts as a mordant that helps to fix the crystal violet stain in the gram-positive bacteria, making them appear purple. Without iodine, the crystal violet stain can be easily washed out of both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, resulting in a pink or red color.