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The small intestine receives the secretion of two glands : liver and pancreas. liver secretes bile and pancreas secrete pancreatic juice which contain pancreatic amylase and trypsin and lipase.

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13y ago
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10y ago

Pepsin and Trypsin. Pepsin breaks some bonds in very large molecules. Trypsin acts on the fragments produced by the action of Pepsin, breaking them into even smaller units

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11y ago

not only 2 enzymes are secreted in gut. several enzymes are there including:

oral cavity :

  • lingual lipase
  • amylase
  • mucin
  • lysozymes


  • pepsinogen
  • gastrin
  • mucin
  • HCl


  • trysinogen
  • chymotrypsinogen
  • carboxypeptidases
  • pancreatic lipase
  • cholestrol esterase
  • phospholipase
  • pancreatic amylase

small intestine:

  • sucrase
  • lactase
  • maltase
  • other disaccridases
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Q: Which two enzymes would be active in the stomach?
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Do enzymes have two active center?

Yes, there are some enzymes which do have two active centers in order to perform more than one reaction. Those enzymes are called multi-functional, however not all of them have multiple active centers.

What parts of the body produce enzymes?

The stomach contains enzymes that break down protein.

Will all enzymes react the same way with two enantiomers?

no, enzymes are very specific with respect to stereo-chemistry and usually is active only to one enantiomer

How are enzymes able to get two substrates bonded together?

They substrate bonds to the enzyme at the point known as the active site

What are the parts of an enzymes?

Active sites. Those atoms of the molecule that effect the London bonds to the target molecule.Structure Those atmos that provide the 'scaffolding' that ensure that the active sites are exactly where they should be.

What determines an enzymes function and how many functions does on enzymes have?

The arrangement of it's active site. Some enzymes just provide a place where two reactants can be in a protected environment for the reaction, some enzymes stress bonds of reactant to lower the reaction activation energy and some enzymes have catalytic properties due to the arrangement of the various amino acid R groups in their active site. One enzyme, one substrate(s) and one function. So, many different classes of enzymes. Very much so

Why H. pylori is not destroyed by stomach acid?

Granted pepsin could kill a cell by hydrolyzing crucial proteins, it doesn't specifically destroy cells. It is a protease, a protein-digesting enzyme. There are two reasons why pepsin does not, under normal conditions, turn around and start digesting the cells of the host. Pepsin is only present in the stomach, where it is compartmentalized from the rest of the body. The mucous membrane protects the lining of the stomach so the stomach is not degraded by the enzymes or the strong hydrochloric acid. Secondly, pepsin is only active as an enzyme in very acidic environments like that of the stomach. Once the chyme of the stomach is dumped into the duodenum of the small intestine, the pH increases dramatically and the pepsin is denatured, no longer active to digest protein.

What energy is used in an enzymatic protein?

None, as we would normally think of energy. Enzymes lower activation energy needed in reactions by providing a secluded spot for two substrates two interact, stressing bonds to get reactions to occur and, sometimes providing catalytic activity from the arrangement of amino acids in the enzyme's active site. Enzymes are not, generally, ATP powered.

Do enzymes in the digestive tract catalyze hydrolysis reactions?

enzymes catayze chemical reaction where Eva the substrate and active site meet wheather that be in you mouth stomach , larger /smaller intesine or lower gut of whitch the biological enzymes are found.

How does enzymes allow chemical reaction to occur?

enzymes are catalysts, this means they speed up the process of chemical reaction. (almost all enzymes can only be used in one process it has a specific role e.g, lysosomes or peptides); the enzymes has a active site which lock in the two substrates which you want to react to form a products, the substrates are locked and fused together. The active site is like a key whole and the write type of "key" (substrate), must fit in, in order for the reaction to take place. the enzymes can only speed up a process under the right PH and temperature. it cannot however increase the amount of product formed at the end

What happens to an enzymes when it performs its functions?

Nothing. The enzyme is not changed by the process of lowering the activation energy of the reaction with the substrates. In their active site some enzymes just give two substrates a protected area for a reaction, some stress bonds thus causing a reaction and some preform catabolically within their active site using their R groups. Regardless of the enzymes activity it is not changed and goes on to perform many processes in the cell.

Is an agreement was made by the leaders of the two countries active or passive?

This is passive. The active form would be 'The leaders of the two countries made an agreement.'