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plant cells

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Q: Which types of cells definitely contain cell walls?
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Cell walls are not found on typical cells of?

There are two types of cells that contain a cell wall that is not found in plants. These two are known as prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.

Does all cell contains cell walls?

only plant cells contain a cell wall, which is made of cellulose. all other cells do not contain cell walls. animal cells do not have a definite shape and fungi cells have walls made from chitin

Which is a characteistic of plant cells and not animal cells?

Plant cells contain cell walls while animal cells do not (animal cells contain cell membranes).

Do all plant cells walls contain chitin?

Plant cell walls are composed of Cellulose

What types of cells has cell walls?

Mostly Plant cells and Bacteria, often some specialised cells will have cell walls.

What special organelles do plant cells obtain?

Plant cells contain chloroplasts and cell walls.

What is the 2 differences in terms of what the cells contain?

the cell walls and the chloroplast

What do animal Cells have that other Cell types do not have?

All body cells contain a cell membrane which contains the contents of the cell, and a cytoplasm in which chemical reactions occur. Most body cells also contain a nucleus, but red blood cells (erythrocytes) are an exception to this.

Which structure is not found in animal cells?

Cell wall and chloroplast

What structures do the two types of cells have in common?

If by "the two types of cells" you mean plant and animal, then: Nucleus Mitochondria Cell membrane Endoplasmic Reticulum Ribosomes Vacuole Golgi Bodies/Apparatus Lysosomes (more common in animal cells) Only plant cells have cell walls and chloroplasts. If you mean Prokaryotes vs. Eukaryotes: Eukaryotic cells contain what is shown above. Prokaryotic cells contain nothing but nuclear information floating free (nucleoid) and ribosomes surrounded by a cell membrane and wall. They also have a flagellum to move about with. All cells contain cytoplasm.

What are found in cell walls?

Cell walls can be found in Plant Cells, there are two types of cells; Animal and Plant Cells. Animal Cells have 11 organelles and Plant Cells 13. The other thing that Plant Cells have that Animal Cells dont is chloroplast. Hope this helped!

What is the difference between plant and animal cell?

Plant cells have chloroplasts and cell walls made of cellulose, and animal cells do not. Animal cells contain centrioles and plant cells do not.