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They were discovered in Holland around 1590 by Hans and Zacharias Jansen.

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Anton Van Leeuwenhock was the first to discover the bacteria.

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14y ago

Levanhook but i think i spelled his name wrong

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Q: Who was the first to see red blood cells?
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What does it take to see red blood cells?

You need a microscope to see red blood cells.

Why can you see only two white blood cells and many red blood cells?

because the red blood cells make up almost 45% of the blood composition while the white blood cells are only 1% in comparison. so the red blood cells appear more often than the white blood cells.

Why is fresh frozen plasma yellow and not red?

You do not have red blood cells in the plasma. Plasma means blood minus red blood cells. So you see the original yellowish colour in case of the blood plasma.

When you examined the blood cells slide what parts are observed?

Most cells you see will be red blood cells (erythrocytes) and they lack a nucleus in their structure.

What is relative sizes of red blood cells demonstration slides?

Red blood cells appear smaller than the white cells on a slide. They appear lighter in the middle and you will see no nucleus.

What do cells have to do with science?

Cells have to do with science because cells are what make up the human body. There are all kinds of cells. A cell has to be magnified 1 million times to see it clearly. Cells are very small and cells also have to do with your blood. They have to do with blood because your blood is all made of red blood cells. There is two kinds of cells that do with blood. They are the white blood cells and the red blood cells.The red blood cells make you breath and let your oxygen flow smoothly, the white blood cells are the most important.

What microscope is more useful to estimate red blood cells?

The microscope that is more useful to estimate red blood cells is an electron microscope because it can magnify to see cells that other microscopes can't see such as the light microscope

What is the disease that prevents the body from producing red blood cells?

Pernicious Anemia has a lot to do with the red blood cells. You could do a search on the condition to see if this is what you're looking for.

Do you see a nucleus in the red blood cells?

No - red blood cells do not contain a nucleus. This means that they cannot replicate, and must therefore be continuosly manufactured in the bone marrow.

Is blood a pure substance or mixture?

Its a mixture of white and red blood cells, platelets and plasma. See the related link for more detailed specifics.

Why is blood red when you have white blood cells?

There are two types of blood cells. Red blood cells which carry oxygen to the heart and brain, and white blood cells which are a part of your immune system and help fight diseases. Consider the White blood cells like a little army in your body that fight to protect it agains sickness. Consider the Red bloodcells like cars on the freeway trying to carry supplies to the organs of your body. There are areas of your body that are called lymphnodes that store white blood cells. if you sever one of these areas where there is a buildup of white blood cells you will see them spill out instead of the usual Red blood you'd see if you scraped your knee. There are a lot more red blood cells in your body then there are White Blood cells. Also consider that your blood which is not red, only becomes red when it is exposed to air. This is the process of oxidation, in effect it is the iron in your blood becoming rusty.

Why is the mouth pink?

The mouth is pink because the blood cells are red, and the lips are a thin layer of skin so you can see the blood cells.