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Actually, eukaryotes are NOT made up of colonies of prokaryotes. They are separate, individual (mostly multicellular) organism. That's why they're classified as separate from prokaryotes, because they're different.

Eukaryotic cells have a central nucleus While prokaryotes don't Also the eukaryotic cell divide differently than prokaryotic cells. They also have some difference in the number or types of organelles in the cells

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Q: Why are eukaryotes classified as separate from prokaryotes when eukaryotes are made up colonies of prokaryotes?
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Which kingdom does not contain any eukaryotes?

Plant, animal, fungal and protista are all eukaryotic kingdoms. The prokaryotic kingdoms are the eubacteria and the archaea. There are no mixed kingdoms with both prokaryotes & eukaryotes.

Do mitochondria contain DNA in eukaryotic cells?

Generally,many have mitochondria.But some like mammalia red blood cells lack.

How does the structure of a chromosome differ in a prokayote and eukaryote?

Eukaryotic cells have a double membrane, surrounding the nucleus, the organelle that contains several chromosomes. The prokaryote chromosomes are dispersed within the cell and is not enclosed by a separate membrane

Which is the largest eukaryotes prokaryotes or plant cells?

Plant cells are eukaryotes. Prokaryotes are definitely smallest, usually less than 5 micrometers in length. The green algae Caulerpa is of the world's largest single-celled organisms. It grows in tropical waters, and some grow to be over a meter long. Most cells are limited to less than 100 micrometers. The nerve cells in a giraffe leg can be several meters long. There is endless debate about what is the largest single cell. If it has to be a separate organism, then perhaps the algae wins. If it can be part of another organism, then perhaps the nerve cells win.

Three differences between prokaryotes and eukaryotes?

Prokaryotic are unicellular animals whereas Eukaryotic are multicellular animals. Prokaryotes don't have any nucleus whereas Eukaryotes have definite nucleus. Prokaryotes have ribsome of 70s whereas Eukaryotes have ribsome of 80s.

Related questions

What does a prokaryote have?

Inside prokaryotes, all of their intracellular water-soluble components, or the proteins, DNA and metabolites, are located together in the same volume enclosed by the cell membrane. They are not in separate cellular compartments like eukaryotes.

What is the evidence scientists have to support endosymbiosis and the evolution of prokaryotes to eukaryotes?

The difference between eukaryotes and prokaryotes is primarily that prokaryotes don't have membrane-wrapped organelles, including a cell nucleus containing its genetic material and mitochondria, the organelles that produce most of the eukaryote's supply of ATP, a source of chemical energy for cells. It is thought that organelles like the mitochondria evolved in eukaryotes as a result of endosymbiosis between prokaryotes. A similar origin has been proposed for chloroplasts in algae and plants. This is supported by the fact that these organelles contain their own DNA, and replicate independently from the host cell, as well as by their apparent genetic, morphological and behavioural relationship with various extant prokaryotes.

Which kingdom does not contain any eukaryotes?

Plant, animal, fungal and protista are all eukaryotic kingdoms. The prokaryotic kingdoms are the eubacteria and the archaea. There are no mixed kingdoms with both prokaryotes & eukaryotes.

When did scientists realized that archae are different from bacteria?

Woese, in 1990, divided the prokaryotes (previously classified as the Kingdom Monera) into two groups, called Eubacteria and Archaebacteria or Archaea.

Do mitochondria contain DNA in eukaryotic cells?

Generally,many have mitochondria.But some like mammalia red blood cells lack.

What does the word prokaryotes?

PROKARYOTES: These kinds of organisms donot have nucleus,mitochondria(power house) other words neither their DNA or any other of their metabolic functions is collected together in a discrete membrane enclosed area...though some of the bacteria have internal membranes as sites of metabolic activites ,these membranes do not enclose a separate area of cytoplasm... the cell formation is simple and smaller than eukaryotes cell...there are two kinds of prokaryotes namely bacteria and archea......

Are al eukaryotes large multicellular organisms?

No. Eukaryotes are simply organisms that have DNA in a separate nucleus. Some are unicellular. Some are multicellular.

Where is the DNA in prokaryote in a eukaryote?

DNA in prokaryotic cells is usually circular while DNA in eukaryotes is usually linear. DNA in prokaryotes usually has fewer portions that dont code for something while eukaryotes usually have quite a bit of DNA sections that dont code for anything. The number of actual base pairs (the units that makeup DNA) that makeup eukaryotes is usually quite a bit more than the number in prokaryotic DNA.

How does the structure of a chromosome differ in a prokayote and eukaryote?

Eukaryotic cells have a double membrane, surrounding the nucleus, the organelle that contains several chromosomes. The prokaryote chromosomes are dispersed within the cell and is not enclosed by a separate membrane

What observation proves that cell is a eukaryotes?

A eukaryote under observation has no membrane to separate the nucleus.

What observations proves that a cell is a eukaryotes?

A eukaryote under observation has no membrane to separate the nucleus.

Which is the largest eukaryotes prokaryotes or plant cells?

Plant cells are eukaryotes. Prokaryotes are definitely smallest, usually less than 5 micrometers in length. The green algae Caulerpa is of the world's largest single-celled organisms. It grows in tropical waters, and some grow to be over a meter long. Most cells are limited to less than 100 micrometers. The nerve cells in a giraffe leg can be several meters long. There is endless debate about what is the largest single cell. If it has to be a separate organism, then perhaps the algae wins. If it can be part of another organism, then perhaps the nerve cells win.