

Why are plants endangered?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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15y ago

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The logical explanation for them being endangered is because we are cutting down trees and killing them to build houses and buildings


Some plants become endangered because of climatic changes. As an example the cloud forests in the Andes are moving up higher on the slopes as the climate gets warmer, at some height they will run out of mountain to grow on and disappear. In a similar fashion the warming of the arctic is changing the plants growing in the Canadian Arctic. Historically at the start of the the little ice age in Europe, arounf 1400 or so, the vineyards of northern England died.

The changing climate and the introduction of foreign species of insects and other animals can also impact the growth of plants in an area. Many plants and insects have developed an almost symbiotic (they depend on each other) life pattern. One dies, so does the other.

Human intervention (draining swamps, irrigation) can also significantly alter the types of plants growing in an area

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Some plants are endangered because man brought insect pests by accident. Dutch elm disease killed most of our elms. Now the emerald ash borer is killing our ash trees.

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Which plants are endangered?

There are currently 2655 endangered plant species on earth, this does not however, take into account species that have not yet been classified and may be under threat without us even knowing of their existence! They are classified according to how endangered they are from "vulnerable" to "critically endangered" (or even "extinct in the wild". At the apex of the endangered list are species which appear on the IUNC Red List (sometimes called the Red Data list). As with plants and animals there are also several regulatory protocols and programs in places such as CITES which regulates the trade and transportation of endangered or protected species. See the related links below for lists of endangered species as well as the RED List

What is an endangered ecosystem?

what is an endangered ecosystem?

Is the Pacific Yew an endangered species?

It's considered near endangered

What percent of the Earth's plant and animal species have not discovered by the scientists?

since they are not yet discovered, there is no exact percentage of plants and animals, There is an enormously large number of endangered species living in tropical rain forests, and most of these have not yet been "discovered" by scientists. Because rain forests are quickly being converted to farmland and human settlements, many of these species are becoming extinct before humans know anything about them. (it said endangered species how about the none, can you imagine how many are they) this is the other one: Because most of Earth's biodiversity (the number of species in a given habitat) is not yet discovered and cataloged, it is likely that there are perhaps several million endangered species on Earth. thanks to this site:

Can plants be extinct?

Some may be in the wrong environment, so they don't get what they need and die out, unable to (usually) produce seeds. Plants normally go extinct (or become endangered) due to natural changes of climate or geography (droughts, volcanic erruptions); or by the intervention of man - normally poor agricultural practices, over farming or logging

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What is endangered plant?

Endangered Plants are plants that are about to disappear for ever or already have.

Are there endangered and extinct plants?

Yes, there are good number of endangered and extinct plants on this planet.

What are the endangered plants in Malaysia?

Some endangered plants in Malaysia are the pitcher plant, dipterocarp trees, and the species of moss known as Taxitheliella richardsii. These are on the IUCN's Red List as critically endangered species of plants.

What endangered plants are in southwestern china?

One endangered plant located in southwestern China is the Circaeasteraceae. Also, the monotypic and the Acanthochlamydaceae are other plants that endangered in southwestern China.

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There are at least a 135 endangered Australian plants. Go to ( for a complete list.

If you catch endangered animal that only eats endangered plants what are you going to do and why?

i would avoid the problom by not capturing an endangered animal!

What Amazon rainforest plants are endangered?


What endangered plants are in the Amazon Rainforest?

The Orchids

What if all the plants are endangered?

it wont happen.

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What are the endangered trees?

Endangered are not only trees, these are species of animals and plants,that are on the verge of vanishing from the earth.

If the endangered animal eats a endangered pland wouldn't it just die off after the plant goes extinct?

Yes they will become extinct. Not all the time... some endangered animals that eat endangered plants also eat other plants that might not be endangered... therefore they can live off another plant when to endangered plant goes extinct!!!! :)