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It sounds as if the glasses need to be adjusted to fit you better, or the frames replaced. Take them to wherever you got them and ask for them to be adjusted. Most places should do this for nothing and without an appointment.

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Q: Why do your ears feel tender after wearing glasses?
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How long does it take to get used to contacts?

about a week -i had the same question -

What types of stimuli do your eyes respond to?

just as how your ears respond to sound; your eyes respond to sight. this ,might be wrong cuz this is wat my teacher taught me. If u know the correct answer, feel free to change it.

What causes tenninitus?

It mostly happens when you're on your computer for so long, whilst watching movies, the frequency of the sound levels tend to make your ears feel eery, so ear's tries to balance out the sub levels.

Does your eyesight get worse if i don't wear glasses?

I've actually found that my eyes had rapidly gotten worse with contacts whereas my vision has improved with glasses. I believe it really depends on if you get the correct contacts. My original eye doctor prescribed contacts that more or less strangled my eyes and prohibited them from receiving enough oxygen, this caused infections, scarring and more susceptibility to later infections. I love contacts but in my experience, they're better to be worn less than glasses if possible. If you can find a pair of glasses that you can feel comfortable in (and there's lots of cute styles now days) then you're probably better off. Then you can wear your contacts when you really wanna dress up or need them for athletic activities. :)

Can toe socks make your toes rot or fall off?

No. If you're having circulation issues (which is why your toes would rot/fall off), then you should probably be wearing doctor-recommended socks and footwear. Make sure your socks aren't too tight around each toe. If you feel your toes going numb or loosing sensation when wearing toe socks, then just take them off and don't use them.

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Do you wear glasses or put on glasses?

Yeah but i hate wearing them outside of school. They feel weird on my face all the time. Its not that i don't like seeing clearly, its just that i hate wearing them.

How do you get a girl to like you when you have glasses?

Having glasses does sooo not change how girls feel about you, except for maybe shallow girls. My best friend likes a boy with glasses, and she doesnt care he has them. If you have a nice and cute personality then no one will care if you're wearing glasses on your face!

Can you were 3D glasses if you have normal glasses on?

Sure, however it will feel very uncomfortable due to all weight and limited space around your ears. You should check out LG's Cinema 3D glasses. I heard that they're the only ones that come with clip on's for prescription glasses.

How does it feel wearing a pierced hole in your earlobe?

You don't notice a difference after a short period of time. I often forget my ears are pierced.

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Do breasts feel tender before ovulation?

Normally they feel tender at times of menstruation and if I'm remembering correctly they are also slightly tender at times of ovulation as well because of the hormone changes.

Can wearing glasses make you look and sound smarter?

Eyeglasses do not make you smart or smarter. You can look smarter but it does not affect how you do things in any way. However, if you believe wearing glasses will make you smart, then psychologically, it may help you perform little better.

Does a Sebaceous cyst hurt?

Yes it can feel quite tender

What does it feel like to get your ears peirced?

Getting your ears pierced is no biggy, trust me when I first got mine pierced I didn't feel a thing. The lady used a gun piercing thing that pierced my ears fast. It is fast and easy you barley feel a thing : ) the faster it is the less pain you feel.

When I swallow why do i feel pressure in my ears?

maybe you have infected ears, you shouldn't usually feel much pressure on your ears, usually just a slight tensing up...I really don't know. sorry D;

Why do you feel pain after having your glasses?

Your face has to get used to wearing the glasses. Depending on what your glasses are made of or how they sit on your face, they can cause some irritation and discomfort as you get used to them. If you take the glasses back to the eye doctor, they can adjust them for you to alleviate some of the discomfort. If you are experiencing eye pain, that is generally caused by your eyes getting used to not having to work quite as hard to see. Both kinds of pain should go away within a few weeks.