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Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) provides the energy necessary for the activities of all body cells.

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Q: Why is ATP necessary for the body to function normally?
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Related questions

How is ATP used in the body?

Adenocine Tri-Phosphate, or ATP, is a necessary energy source for the body.

How does the body generate the necessary ATP?

Cellular respiration

What function do mitochondria?

It act as a powerhouse.They produce ATP in the cell. ATP store the energy and release when necessary

Is oxidative phosphorylation necessary for metabolism function?

Oxidative phosphorylation is necessary for most metabolic function. It is highly efficient and the primary means by which ATP is produced, which provides the energy for metabolism.

Why does the body need oxygen in the air?

Oxygen is required so that we can make ATP. ATP is the energy that the cell needs to function.

What can ATP power?

ATP is energy. It is made in the mitochondria which is the powerhouse of the cell. Without cells, your body can not function. So, from a broad aspect, ATP powers the whole body. More specifically, it powers the cell.

What is importance of ATP?

ATP is the most common type of energy your body will produce in cellular respiration. Without ATP your cells could not function and would die.

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What is the primary function of carbohydrates?

The primary function of carbohydrates is to be converted to energy in the form of ATP.

What Does Glucose Powder Do?

Consuming pure glucose provides the ingredient necessary for your body to make ATP. Lots of ATP = lots of energy for your muscles to do work!

What is the importance of oxygen to your body?

your body needs oxygen to produce ATP (energy) and without your cells cannot function and then you would die

Why are sweating and other body-cooling mechanisms necessary during vigorous exercise?

The demand for ATP is supported by an increased rate of cellular respiration, but about 60% of the energy from food produces body heat instead of ATP.