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because yea

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Q: Why must biologists be able to distinguish homologous traits from analogous traits?
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Why must biologist be able to distinguish Homologous traits from analogous traits?

because yea

Structures that have similar structure and function but different evolutionary origins are called?

It is either homologous structures or homozygous structures. Embryological structures are when different species of animals look similar in the earliest stage of development and Analogous structures are when animals look different but their function is basically the same. So just look up homologous structures and homozygous structures in your Bio book!!

Why do related species share homologous traits?

Related species have inherited homologous traits from a common ancestor.

What are analogous traits?


What traits did linnaeus consider when classifying organisms?

I think it is the similarities and differences but I could be wrong.

What traits did linnaeus consider when classificing organisms?

homologous traits

What is Analogous traits?

corresponding in some particular way (a brain and a computer are analogous)

Paired chromosomes with genes for the same traits arranged in the same order?

Homologous Chromosomes

Two chromosomes in a nucleus that carry genes for the same traits in the same places but specify different versions of the same traits are called?

Homologous Chromosomes.

Biologists use to create a cladogram?

derived traits

Is a fly homologous?

No. To know if traits are homologous, you need to compare it between things. It is like asking, is the man taller?

What trails did linnaeus consider when classifying organisms?

homologous traits