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Isopropyl alcohol is used to inhibit bacterial growth because it acts as a disinfectant. This kills the bacteria and prevent them from multiplying.

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Q: Why use isopropyl alcohol to inhibit bacterial growth?
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Yes it can. Before refrigeration was invented, people exploited this by "salt curing" meat.

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Actually copper, nickel and silver help to inhibit bacterial growth, therefore coins are far less likely to carry numerous bacterial colonies.

Does Bacterial growth affect temperature?

Yes. Bacterial growth increases with temperature or humidity. Lower temperatures will inhibit or completely stop bacterial growth, but not kill bacteria. The best temperature for fastest growth of some bacterial strains (such as E. coli) is the human body temperature at 37°C. However, most species cannot survive in extreme temperatures. One way to kill common bacterial pathogens using heat is by boiling, a common sterilization technique.

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Antibiotics are chemicals that kill or inhibit the growth of bacteria and are used to treat bacterial infections. They are produced in nature by soil bacteria and fungi.

Are medications that are capable of inhibiting the growth of or killing pathogenic bacterial microorganisms?

Yes there is a medication that stops pathogenic bacterial microorganism, it is called antibiotics. It is widely used today to prevent and inhibit infectious diseases.