"ISO" is a word that represents the International Standards Organization, or as it is more commonly known, the International Organization for Standardization. This organization is based in Switzerland and they set a lot of international standards, including the measurement system for film sensitivity (which translates to digital Photography).
In photography, the ISO is pronounced "EYE-so," not "eye-es-oh," however it does not have anything to do with the Greek "isos," as others have claimed. Here is the entry in the World English Dictionary:
ISO (aɪsaʊ)
International Organization for Standardization
[Greek isos equal; often wrongly thought to be an abbreviation for International Standards Organization ]
ISO stands for International Organisation for Standardization, which is an organization that creates standards. With respect to camera film and sensors, it is a means of quantifying the sensitivity of film or camera sesnors to light.
ISO 100 is a low rating compared to 1600, thus more light or longer exposures are needed to create an image with a low ISO setting or film. High settings or faster film may eliminate that issue, but there is a trade-off because they produce more "noise" (digital images) or larger film grain. When striving for technical quality, the lowest setting or film speed that will permit mid range shutter speeds and apertures will usually produce the best all round results.
ISO is a measure of sensitivity, the same as the old ASA, used to rate the speed of film in film cameras. Film that is very sensitive and works well for fast-action photographs or reasonably fast exposures in dim light is rated (for example) ISO 400 to 1000 or more. Films slower than this are rated ISO 25-300, or so. For digital cameras, manufacturers state an film-equivalent sensitivity. Sensitivity is important, but some characteristics such as good color balance, and power usage might be sacrificed. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR THE APPROPRIATE ANSWER . BUT IS THE LOGIC SET WITH SENSOR OF THE CAMERA OR LENSE AND SHUTTER SPEED? REGARDS YATIN
The ISO is the sensitivity to light, and you would have to change it before the picture is taken. ISO is similar to the exposure time in that it can make the picture brighter or darker but the difference is that the ISO changes how large the cameras filter opens and exposure time changes how long the filter stay's open. This is helpful when you are trying to take a picture in the shadows and you need to brighten the image but the subject is moving fast, say a bird is flying by, you need a fast shutter speed but it is dark so you need a higher ISO. ISO is great in this case but if you can, use the shutter speed instead because the higher the ISO the more noise you picture will have. Hope this helps!
ISO settings indicate the sensitivity of a DSLR camera. Most DSLRs offer 100 to 1600 ISO settings. The highest end cameras feature settings from 50 to 3200 or even 6400 ISO. The Kodak DCS digital camera is the highet ISO camera on the market with 6400 ISO.
Most cameras have a built in button for the ISO function. You can click on it and then change the number. If there's isn't a button you should check the different settings menus for that option.
ISO are a series of standards that are put in place by the International Organization for Standardization. The numbers 9014 and 9018 do not appear on their list.
ISO speed denotes the sensitivity of the film or the sensor in your camera... For example would be, you would use ISO 100 or ISO 200 for shooting pics in the daylight, while you would use ISO 400 for indoor and evening shots. And ISO 800 for night shots. However, you need to realise that in digital cameras, higher ISO speeds of 800 and more gives a lot of digital noise, because of higher sensor voltages. Ronnie --- http://www.propix.in
Power iso is a free computer program available for download online. Its main use is to read iso files and display them for the user to read. It is a popular program used by many.
ISO was originally a measure of the sensitivity of photographic film to light. ISO is measured in increments such as 100, 200 400 and 800. As the ISO number of the film increases the film takes better pictures in lower light however the images will be more grainy. The convention has carried over to digital cameras with the same relationship between sensitivity to light and image quality.
It could be the Quality Control system ISO 9001, maybe a version of those rules that came out in the year 2000? It is compose of the combined ISO 9001, ISO 9002, and ISO 9003 standards. ISO 9001 2000 is also the older version of the latest ISO 9001:2008 version. Issues that were failed to be highlighted or taken action of by the ISO 9001:2000 version were added on the new ISO 9001: 2008 version.
Canon makes far superior cameras for low-ISO indoor use.
Frames per second?
'Prepare' means to get ready for an event of some kind.
The Pentax cameras have great features to offer such as advanced point auto focus, low noise ISO, air gap free LCD, and APS sensors. These cameras are great for taking close up and very far away pictures and have a great variety on colors too.