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Anion are associated with exothermic process.

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Q: Are Anions are associated with exothermic or endothermic process?
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Is formation of anions is exothermic process?

The formation of anion is an exothermic process because it gain electron and negative charge so the heat is released.ok is it clear now

Name two anions associated with hard water?


When dissolved in water electrolytes dissociate?

yes. They form anions & cations. And the process is called as electrolysis.

The process of atoms gaining or losing electrons to become anions or cations?

The process of removing electrons is generally called ionization.

What is difference between carbonate and noncarbonate hardness?

Carbonate hardness is the measure of hard ions associated with carbonate and bicarbonate anions contained in the water.Noncarbonate hardness is the portion of total hardness in water that is not produced by carbonates, but primarily by sulfate anions.

Why are anions larger?

Anions have supplementary electrons.

Introduction determination of anions in aqueous solution?

introduction of anions

How many anions are there in 3.50 g of MgBr2?

There are 22,9.10e21 anions.

What type of anions are formed in the halogens?

anions with -1 charge

Are oxide ions cations or anions?

anions oxides are O2-

A anions and xenons b anions and cations c cations and xenons d xenons and anions Which of these are ions?

The ions are b, anions and cations. Note that xenon is not an ion, it is a noble gas.

What is the Definition and formation of cations and anions in Telugu?

Cations and anions are formed through the process of ionization, which involves the gain or loss of electrons by atoms. In Telugu, cations are known as "క్యాటియన్లు" (Kyaṭiyannlu), which are positively charged ions formed by losing electrons. Anions, on the other hand, are called "ఆనియన్లు" (Āniyannlu) and are negatively charged ions formed by gaining electrons.