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Mixed together, yes they are miscible.

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Q: Are xylene and trichloroethane miscible
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Which is more dense xylene or trichloroethane?

Between Xylene and Trichloroethane I think the Trichloroethane is the denser of the two. When water and trichloroethane are mixed, regardless of the quantity of water, trichlorothane is consistently denser then water. On the other hand when you mix xylene and water, water is the more dense liquid. It's my conclusion that since trichloroethane is denser than water and water is denser then xylene, then the trichloroethane must be more denser then xylene.

What is the purpose of Xylene in immunohistochemistry?

Xylene is an organic solvent which is miscible with alcohol and wax. In histochemistry alcohol is used to dehydrate tissue sections and then this alcohol is further replaced by xylene (being miscible with alcohol) in a process called as clearing. After this DPX is used to mount cover slips on the sections. One more use of xylene is to dissolve wax which is used to make sections of tissues. Hence, we see that xylene is a clearing agent capable of dissolving wax as well as alcohol.

Are H2O and CH3OH miscible?

No, because their polarities are too far apart. You can circumvent this by adding a solvent that has a polarity in between these two solvents, e.g. ethanol, methanol, dioxane, dimethylformamide or dimethylsulfoxide.

What occupation uses Perchloroethylene trichloroethane and trichloroethylene?

Dry-cleaninguses perchloroethylene, trichloroethane and trichloroethylene.

Which type of isomers are o-xylene m-xylene and p-xylene?

Xylene has structural isomers.

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What is the chemical formula of trichloroethane?


What is the formula trichloroethane?

Formula: C2H3Cl3

Is 111-trichloroethane saturated or unsaturated?

1,1,1-trichloroethane is an alkane and as such, contains only single covalent bonds, so it is considered saturated.

Is 111 trichloroethane saturated or unsaturated?

1,1,1-trichloroethane is an alkane and as such, contains only single covalent bonds, so it is considered saturated.

What is the fullform of DDT?

Dichloro Diphenyl Trichloroethane

What is Ddt in full?

Dichloro dephinyl trichloroethane