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It's a semi-solid or solid. It does not follow the shape of the container it is in unless force is applied to it, scooping with spoon, pouring it (air pressure) etc.

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In nursing, the rule is. "if it melts at room temperature, it is a liquid."

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Q: Do you measure yogurt as a solid or a liquid for cooking?
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Why is yogurt a yogurt?

Yogurt is a solid/liquid dispersion (gel).

What is frozen yougert?

Frozen yogurt is a semi liquid/semi solid that is yogurt

How many cups of yogurt equals one pound?

Yogurt and ice cream is measured in liquid measurements and a "pound" is a solid measure. "Cups" is also a liquid measurement of volume so your question can not be answered since cups don't equal a pound of weight.

Is saturated fats liquid or solid?

cooking oil

Is a cheese solid liquid or gas?

Cheese is usually solid, except when used in cooking, or melted on toast in a semi-liquid state.

A measure of how much of a solid will dissolve?

A measure of how much solid will dissolve in a given amount of liquid is known as the "solubility" of that compound in that liquid.

Can you eat yogurt upsidEDOWN own?

Technically, you should be able to, as peristalsis in the oesophagus does not depend on gravity, so you can swallow food upside down. However, I am not sure if yogurt counts as a liquid or a solid. Therefore, in conclusion, if it is a solid, then yes, but if it is a liquid, then probably not.

How can we calculate the density of a irregular solid or a liquid?

You can dip the irregular solid in a water or other suitable liquid. This is how, you can measure the volume of the solid. The mass can be measured by weighing scale. Mass/volume = density. It is easy to measure the mass and volume of the liquid. First measure the mass the container. Then add the liquid to it. You will get the mass of the liquid. Then measure the volume of the liquid. Use the above formula to calculate the density of the liquid.

Can you use milliliters to measure a solid?

No,it's a measure of liquid volume

How many quarts of turnips are in a lb?

You don't measure solid vegetables by liquid measure (quart is liquid)

Does a milliliter measure a solid or liquid?

Milliliters and liters are units of volume.

Is peanut butter a dry or liquid measure?

I assume you are talking about cooking, I have measured it is both, but it is easier to get out of dry ingredient measuring cups. Scientifically speaking peanut butter is not quite a liquid or a solid so you can probably use either.