

Does 2d orbital exist

Updated: 8/11/2023
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15y ago

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No... it orbital 2d does not exist.

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Q: Does 2d orbital exist
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The 2d sub energy level does not exist. The first shell to contain a d sub-shell is the third shell: the 3d sub-shell contains a maximum of 10 electrons, with two electrons in each of five different d orbitals.

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The s orbital is present in all valid principal quantum number shells.The p orbital is present in n = 2 and higher.The d orbital is present in n = 3 and higher.The f orbital is present in n = 4 and higher.So the invalid ones are b (there are no 2d orbitals) and c (there are no 3f orbitals). 4s and 3p are perfectly legitimate.

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In 2D, NO! In 3D, Yes.

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