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Q: Does a cell with copper and zinc electrodes in an acid electrolyte produce voltages?
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How many volts can a lime produce?

The voltage an electrochemical cell produces does not depend on the electrolyte (e.g. type of fruit), it depends on the two electrodes (e.g. metal strips). The voltage is determined by the relative electronegativities of the two electrodes. For example all cells using a copper electrode and a zinc electrode will produce the same voltage, regardless of the kind of electrolyte they are put into. Another example all cells using a carbon electrode and a zinc electrode produce 1.5 volts, regardless of whether the electrolyte is acidic (the original dry cell batteries), basic (modern alkaline batteries), or neutral (a salt).

Why copper is not good electrolyte though it is good conductor of electrcity?

why copper is not an electrolyte

Would Cu2SO4 form an electrolyte?

Yes, copper sulfate is an electrolyte.

What materials did Alessandro Volta use to make the battery?

The voltaic cell, or the first battery, is composed of two electrodes: one made of zinc and the other made of copper. The electrolyte is either sulfuric acid or saltwater brine.

Which electrolyte is most suitable for purification of copper?

Aqueous Copper Sulphate

What are inert and active electrodes?

Inert electrodes simply serve as electrical conductors and are unchanged by the cell processes. Active electrodes change during the cell reactions. An example of inert electrodes is platinum in the electrolysis of water. The platinum remains unchanged and the water is split into hydrogen and oxygen. An example of active electrodes is in the electrolysis of copper sulfate solution with copper electrodes. The anode copper is converted into copper ions in the solution, and metallic copper builds up on the cathode. The term active electrode is also used in eeg measurement, here as the opposite to passive electrode. Electrodes are the pads attached to the skin to get readings, and active ones don't need a conductive paste to get a good signal.

Is copper metal an electrolyte?

No. Metals are not electrolytes.

Is copper sulfate an electrolyte?


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Is copper nitrate a weak base or nonelectrolyte?

It is neither. Copper nitrate is an electrolyte but it is not a base.

The liquid phase of oxidized copper is considered an electrolyte?


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