

Does sucrose have a charge

Updated: 5/22/2024
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13y ago

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Yes, sucrose (a disaccharide composed of glucose and fructose with the molecular formula C12H22O11) commonly known as table sugar, contains glucose.

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2mo ago

Sucrose is a neutral molecule and does not have a charge. It is composed of an equal number of positively charged (protons) and negatively charged (electrons) particles, resulting in a net charge of zero.

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13y ago

No it does not. It standard carbohydrate.

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Q: Does sucrose have a charge
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What is sucrose's electronegativity?

The electronegativity of sucrose is not determined by the sucrose molecule itself, but rather by the individual atoms that make up sucrose. Sucrose is composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms, each with their own electronegativity values. The overall electronegativity of sucrose is a weighted average of the electronegativities of these individual atoms.

Is Sucrose a polar molecule or ionic?

Sucrose is a polar molecule. It consists of covalent bonds between the atoms, leading to unequal sharing of electrons and creating a slight positive and negative charge on different parts of the molecule.

Can sucrose conduct electricity as a solid or in-solution?

Sucrose cannot conduct electricity as a solid because it does not contain free ions to carry the charge. However, when it is dissolved in water to form a solution, sucrose is broken down into its constituent ions (glucose and fructose) and can conduct electricity due to the presence of these ions.

Is there sucrose in feces?

No, there is not sucrose in feces. This is because sucrose is only in food that is not digested.

How many Sucrose molecules in 3.0 moles of sucrose?

There are 1.81 x 10^24 sucrose molecules in 3.0 moles of sucrose.

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Oxygen can be described as a molecular element Sucrose can be described as a molecular compound Explain why these descriptions are appropriate?

Since Oxygen exists in combined state in nature, it is termed as a molecular element and Sucrose is a molecule of Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen with no charge on it, hence it is considered a molecular compound.

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What is the percent composition of sucrose?

Sucrose ~ 93.81%

How do make a percent sucrose solution?

To make a percent sucrose solution, dissolve a specific weight of sucrose in a specific volume of water. For example, to make a 10% sucrose solution, dissolve 10 grams of sucrose in 90 mL of water. The formula to calculate the amount of sucrose needed is: (percent sucrose/100) x volume of solution = weight of sucrose (in grams).

How do ants locate sucrose?

Sucrose is a form of sugar that ants would be attracted to. An ant can locate sucrose by coming into physical contact with it.

What is the odor of sucrose?

Sucrose itself is odorless. Any perceived odor when handling sucrose is likely due to impurities or contaminants present in the sample.