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Yes it does more than commonly believed. Lactose is just one of the Beta 1to4 "O" glycosides hydrolyzed by the lactase enzyme which is and incorrect nomenclature for the enzyme that is a Beta 1to4 "O" glycosidase. Many who clal them selves experts use the term lactase instead of Beta 1to4 "O" glycosidase due to flase thinking on the matter. Phlorizin, annatto, pectin, tomatine, salicin, various gums and solanine are but a few of those beta 1to4 "O" glycosides that the enzyme Beta 1to4 "O" glycosidase will hydrolyze.

E.coli that lives on the proximal and distal sides of the eleocecal valve in humans will ferment, cleave, oxygen and carbon for the reducing end of the glycoside that is part of the aglycones above mentioned.

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Lactase is the bodily enzyme that breaks down Lactose, a sugar found in milk.

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Lactase is an enzyme that breaks down lactose in milk. This allows lactose intolerant individuals to drink the lactose free (or reduced lactose) milk.

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Rennet is a complex of enzymes that digest milk, the primary enzyme being chymosin or rennin.

Hwat is an enzyme that breaks down lactose?

Lactase. (the suffix- ase means an enzyme)

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It helps with lactose intolerance because contains the enzyme Lactase which if you are Lactose intolerant you body doesn't produce this enzyme and the enzyme lactase in Lactaid pills breaks down the milk sugar(Lactose) making it easier for your body to digest dairy foods. Taken off of my box of Lactaid

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as a general rule, anything ending in -ase is an enzyme, so lactase is an enzyme that breaks down molecules of lactose