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The number of protons is most important as this defines the atom's atomic number and it's place in the Periodic Table of elements. The number of neutrons only makes for isotopes of the atom. That means carbon, for example, can have 12 neutrons in its most common form but can also have 13 neutrons. Whether it has 12 or 13 does not matter - it is still carbon. It is carbon because it has 12 protons.

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no the properties of elements depend on the number of valence electrons they have. the number of valence electrons is dependant on the atomic number. the elements in the same group (column) of the periodic table will have similar properties because they have the same number of valence electrons

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Q: Does the number of neutrons in the nucleus of an atom give it a unique chemical nature?
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What do isotopes and nucleus have in common?

All the isotopes of a chemical element have the same atomic number, number of protons and number of neutrons.

What does the mass number of an atom represent?

The mass number is the sum of protons and neutrons in the atomic nucleus of a chemical element.

Nature of atomic structure?

in the atom, there is a nucleus, surrounded by fixed orbits. In the nucleus, there lies the protons and neutrons. The number of protons can never change, but the number of neutrons can. the number of protons is used to identify the elements. In the fixed orbits around the nucleus, there turns the electrons, turning around the nucleus continuously.

The number of neutrons plus protons in the nucleus of an atom-?

nass number is the number of neutrons plus protons in the nucleus of an atom

What information does the mass number give?

the mass of an atom of a chemical element expressed in atomic mass units. It is approximately equivalent to the number of protons and neutrons in the atom (the mass number) or to the average number allowing for the relative abundances of different isotopes.

How many neutrons and electrons are in the nucleus of an atom?

The atomic number of a chemical element is equal to the number of electrons or protons. The number of neutrons = Atomic weight of an isotope (rounded) - atomic number of the element (or the number of protons)

How many neutrons are in the nucleus of an atom hydrogen?

With no electrons, as a bare nucleus, it exists as the H+ ion. Hydrogen can have any number of neutrons and still be hydrogen. H-1 (0 neutrons) is the most abundant isotope in nature. H-2(1 neutron) has the special name of deuterium and is stable and found in nature.

What does uranium consist of?

Uranium is a natural chemical element, radioactive. Uranium has 92 protons and electrons in the nucleus; the number of neutrons in the nucleus depends on what isotope we consider.

What does the subatomic particle do?

Protons and neutrons are the components of the atomic nucleus; the number of protons is equal to the atomic number, the most important parameter for a chemical element. Electrons surround the nucleus and are responsible (the last level) for the chemical properties of elements.

If you know the atomic number and the mass number of an isotope how could you figure out the number of neutrons in its nucleus.?

The mass number is the total number of protons plus neutrons in the nucleus. The atomic number is the total number of protons in the nucleus. So subtract the atomic number from the mass number and that will give you the total number of neutrons in the nucleus.

If you know the atomic number and the mass number of an isotope how could you figure out the number of neutrons in its nucleus?

The mass number is the total number of protons plus neutrons in the nucleus. The atomic number is the total number of protons in the nucleus. So subtract the atomic number from the mass number and that will give you the total number of neutrons in the nucleus.

Define the term mass number?

Mass number is a value approximate to the number of protons (Atomic Number) plus the number of neutrons within an atom of the element considered. I say approximate as mass number takes into account the mass of the nucleus and not the actual number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus.