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The hydrogen bond involves hydrogen in a covalent bond with a highly electronegative element, like oxygen in water. Pure hydrogen H2 involves 2 atoms with exactly the same electronegativity. In water the large difference in electronegativity means that the bond is polar covalent. In addition to that, the hydrogen is not quite, but nearly a point nucleus because there are no other electrons in hydrogen than those shared. This causes a very strong attraction --- not a real bond -- between the hydrogen and the highly negative oxygen in an adjacent molecule. This is the real hydrogen bond, the attraction of the hydrogen for an element in another molecule. Real bonds are within one molecule.

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Q: Explain why water contains strong hydrogen bonds and h2s does not?
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Is hydrogen bonding the weakest?

Hydrogen bonds are not the weakest bonds.

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No they are significantly weaker.

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There are a few types of hydrogen bonds. Fluorine, oxygen, and nitrogen are the elements that typically form bonds with hydrogen.

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stong bonds are ionic bonds and covalent bonds and weak bonds are van der waals bonds and hydrogen bonds.

Is Covalent bond is a strong bond or weak bond?

Covalent bond is a strong chemical bond. Hydrogen bonds are weak bonds.

The attraction of water particles to each other?

Strong hydrogen bonds as the Oxygen is really electronegative and the hydrogen is really unelectronegative. The hydrogen bonds to the oxygen of another molecule.

How could one explain what hydrogen bonds are?

Hydrogen bonds is the process when hydrogen atoms interact and are attracted to other atoms such as nitrogen. It happens naturally in substances like water.

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DNA contains four nucleotide bases, which are adenine, thymine, cytosine and guanine. The pairs of nucleotides that can be held together by weak hydrogen bonds are purines and pyrimidines.

What contains water molecules and the hydrogen bonds between water molecules explain most of water's life-supporting properties?

I'm pretty sure it's Hydrogen Bonding. :) -K.