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Mixing the two chemicals lends H+ ions to the solution. The solution weakens as a result of acetate ion concentration. No other reactions occur.

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add P(Cl)5 or P(Cl)3 or SO(Cl)2

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Q: How acetic acid convert to acetyl chloride?
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To get acetyl chloride, you need to react ethanoyl ethanoate and acetic acid anhydride.

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Acetyl acetic acid is CH3-CO-CH2-COOH

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Because it can not form the acetyl group easily but above 1000 Celsius acetic acid may form acetic anhydride which may be used to produce acetyl ion. Acetylation by acetic acid using is possible by using cobalt chloride as catalyst with good yield

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Aspirin (acetyl salycilic acid) is prepared from salycilic acid and acetic anhydride; salicylic acid is prepared from sodium phenoxide and carbon dioxide (Kolbe synthesis).

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I think Acetyl alcohol refers to Acetic acid(CH3COOH), which is a type of Carboxylic acid formed by oxidation of Acetaldehyde.

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i do not have the answer

How can you convert acetic acid in to vinegar?

There is no need to. Acetic acid, along with water is the main component of vinegar

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To synthesize acetophenone from benzene, you just need to add the aldehyde to the benzene ring. This can be done via a Friedel-Crafts acylation. The reagents are an acid chloride (acetyl chloride in this case) and AlCl3 (stoichiometric).

What does the oxidation of ethanol produce?

Ethanol is first oxidised to acetaldehyde which can be further oxidised to acetic acid

How do you convert acetic acid to acetaldehyde?

Acetaldehyde can be obtained by reduction of acetic acid CH3COOH+2[H]--------------CH3CHO+H2O