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Heating copper in air the copper oxide CuO is formed.

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Q: How does the scale that forms copper is heated differ from the copper?
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When burning copper and rubber what makes the different colors in the flame?

Any piece of copper heated will do the same thing. When heated, the colored coating on the copper is called "scale," and consists of a thin layer of copper oxide on the surface of the copper. Depending on the thickness of the layer and its temperature, the scale can be some very interesting colors, such as red, blue, brown, and pink.

What black metal gave blacksmiths their name?

Iron when heated past 650 degrees Fahrenheit forms in the the presents of oxgen a black scale iron oxide.

Can you scratch a copper coin with a knife blade?

Yes because a copper coin (being made of copper which is a 3 on the Mohs scale of hardness), is not as hard as a knife blade (which is a 5.5 on the Mohs scale of hardness).

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The degrees are the same, but the zero points differ.

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Richter scale measures magnitude of an earthquake, while Marcalli scale measures the strength of an earthquake.

Why does copper change color when heated?

When copper is heated a colored coating is formed. This coating is called "scale", and consists of a thin layer of copper oxide on the surface of the copper. Depending on the thickness of the layer and its temperature, the scale can be some very interesting colors, such as red, blue, brown, and pink, and at higher temperatures, black. The effect is quite noticeable on soldering irons with copper tips.

Copper sulfate plus iron equals?

The iron is higher in they reactivity scale than copper , Therefore the copper will be replaced by iron to make iron sulfate and copper by itself.

What is the difference between sludge and scale?

Hard Scale(Scale) - Forms in steam boiler -Has the appearance of a white and brown concentration -smooth texture Soft Scale(Sludge) -Forms in the hot water heaters -Appears as a thick ,brown or black sludge

Is quartz harder than copper?

Based on Moh's Scale of Hardness that identifies minerals, it is. Moh's Scale of HardnessTalcGypsumCalciteFluoriteApatiteOrthoclaseQuartzTopazCorundumDiamondIn this scale, 10 minerals are used as reference. These minerals are arranged from the softest (1) to the hardest (10). thxs

How does the mixolydian mode on g differ from the scale of g major?

The G Mixolydian scale has an F Natural in it, while the G Ionian (Major) scale has an F Sharp.

What is softer than copper on the mohs scale?

Pure copper has a Mohs Hardness of 3. So called copper coins have a Mohs hardness of 3.2-3.5. Please see related links.

What colour is copper sulphate on pH scale?

it is lite green on the scales of PH