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For hydrocarbon molecules, the smallest possible ring contains 3 carbon atoms. This ring can be substituted with one ethyl group or two methyl groups. In a three carbon ring, all possible substitution positions are chemically equivalent. A four carbon atom-containing ring can be substituted with only one external carbon within the constraints given in the question, and all its positions of possible substitution are chemically equivalent. A five carbon atom-containing ring can not be substituted with any additional carbon atoms, within the constraints given in the question. Therefore, there are only four possible hydrocarbons within the constraints given in the question: ethyl cyclopropane, dimethyl cyclopropane, ethyl cyclobutane, and cyclopentane. There are many more possible atom arrangements if atoms of additional elements are allowed.

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Q: How many possible atom arrangements are there for a molecule with 5 carbons with one ring?
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