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just one postulate is still accepted and is the third one.

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Q: How many what postulates of Dalton's atomic theory are still scientifically accepted?
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If all four postulates of Daltons atomic theory are correct what would change about the boxes on the periodic table and Why?

Are you doing this for a "cumulative take home exam"?

Why scientists accepted daltons atomic theory but not the idea of an atom proposed by the Greek philosopher?

the Greek Philosophers did not test their theory.

Why was daltons model accepted?

Dalton's atomic theory or model was accepted despite errors. This is because his theory provided a logical explanation of concepts and led the way to new experimentations.

Who Developed the 5 postulates of the atomic theory?

John Dalton

What are the sub atomic particles for john daltons model?

protons,neutrons and electrons are the sub atomic particles

How does Daltons atomic theory explain the law of definite proportions?


What is the atomic mass of neon'?

The approximate mass is 11. Technically you could express this in units of daltons as 11 Da (Daltons previously called amu, Atomic Mass unit, or as 11 (the dimensionless, relative atomic mass which chemists simply call atomic weight) .

What is the approximate mass of a neon-11 atom?

The approximate mass is 11. Technically you could express this in units of daltons as 11 Da (Daltons previously called amu, atomic mass unit, or as 11 (the dimensionless, relative atomic mass which chemists simply call atomic weight) .

What main feature of daltons atomic model was abandoned after thomson's discoveries?

The idea that atoms are indivisible.

Did daltons atomic theory include the idea that all atoms of all elements are the same size?


Which tenet of Daltons atomic theory did Thomson disprove?

Atoms cannot be divided into smaller particles.

How did daltons atomic theory lead to the different model scientists have today?

Dalton's theory was irrelevant to the total compensation of of the Atomic Mass.