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By using Beer's law and making a standard curve of differing NADH concentrations at 260nm

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Q: How would you calculate Extinction coefficient of NADH at 260nm?
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We would need to know the path length and the molar extinction coefficient to answer that question. If you know these, it's an extremely simple matter of Beer's Law and algebra.

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When the last member of a species dies is said to have occurred.?

the answer to the question is extinction

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A coefficient is a number before a variable. For example, in 2x, the 2 would be the coefficient

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It called the coefficient of a variable. As an example 16x. 16 would be the coefficient and x would be the variable or term.

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Is extinction the word you're looking for ?

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The coefficient in an expression is the multiplier of the variable in the equation. Here, the coefficient would be 6.

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The coefficient of cubical expansivity would normally be the cube of the coefficient of linear expansivity unless that coefficient is different in different directions for a material. In that case it would be the product of the linear coefficients in the different directions.

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This would be called a mass extinction or mass die off.This would be called a mass extinction.

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-5a4 The coefficient would be -5. The variable is a and the power is 4.

What is a coefficient?

A coefficient is a number in front of a variable (i.e. multiplied by it).For example, in the expression x2 - 10x + 25, the coefficient of x2 is 1 and the coefficient of x is -10. The third term, 25, is a constant.If the expression were -x2 + 10x + 25, the coefficient of x2 would be -1, and the coefficient of x would be 10.

How would you feel about animal extinct?

Extinction is the rule, not the exception. That being said, I would not like to be responsible for the extinction of an animal.