

Best Answer

For a principle quantum number 3, there are three possible sub-shells. These are

3s, 3p, 3d. Azimuthal quantum no. is less than principle quantum number. There for

3s it is 0, for 3p it is 1, for 3d it is 2.

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Q: If the principle quantum number is 3 what possible values can azimuthal quantum number have?
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What is an azimuthal quantum number?

An azimuthal quantum number is a quantum number which represents the angular momentum of an atomic orbital.

What is azimuthal quantum number?

An azimuthal quantum number is a quantum number which represents the angular momentum of an atomic orbital.

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All four quantum numbers i.e principle ,azimuthal or subsidiary, magnetic and spin quantum numbers are required to specify a single atomic orbital.

Which quantum number identifies the shape an electron subshell?

Azimuthal quantum number

Which quantum number identifies the shape of an electron subshell?

Azimuthal quantum number

What quantum number identifies the shape of an electron subshell?

34 azimuthal quantum number

Can the principal quantum number be equal to one if the azimuthal number is two?

the answer is "no".

What does the second quantum number?

It's the azimuthal quantum number. It specifies the angular momentum of the orbital, which can broadly speaking be thought of as its "shape." (The reason I'm putting that in quotation marks is that it's possible for two orbitals with the same azimuthal quantum number to appear rather different in overall shape.)

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It is represented by l.

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The principal quantum number n = 3 and the azimuthal or orbital angular momentum quantum number would be l =1 .l = 1

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What does the second quantum number describe?

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