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Q: What are the azimuthal quantum number for the outermost electrons in a nitrogen atom?
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Which is the orbital diagram for nitrogen?

Nitrogen (N) has atomic number 7, so the electron configuration is 1s2 2s2 2p3. The outermost energy level is level 2 (n=2) so there are a total of FIVE electrons in the outermost energy level.

What is an azimuthal quantum number?

An azimuthal quantum number is a quantum number which represents the angular momentum of an atomic orbital.

What is azimuthal quantum number?

An azimuthal quantum number is a quantum number which represents the angular momentum of an atomic orbital.

What is the principal quantum number for the outermost electrons in a bromine atom in the ground state?

The electronic configuration of Bromine in its ground state is: 1s2 2s2p6 3s2p6d10 4s2p5. Therefore the principal quantum number for the outermost electrons in a Bromine atom is 4.

Which quantum number identifies the shape an electron subshell?

Azimuthal quantum number

Which quantum number identifies the shape of an electron subshell?

Azimuthal quantum number

What quantum number identifies the shape of an electron subshell?

34 azimuthal quantum number

Shapes of electorn orbitals are determined by?

By azimuthal quantum numbers.

The azimuthal quantum number is represented by what letter?

It is represented by l.

If the principle quantum number is 3 what possible values can azimuthal quantum number have?

For a principle quantum number 3, there are three possible sub-shells. These are 3s, 3p, 3d. Azimuthal quantum no. is less than principle quantum number. There for 3s it is 0, for 3p it is 1, for 3d it is 2.

Can the principal quantum number be equal to one if the azimuthal number is two?

the answer is "no".

How many quantum number are required to specify a single atomic orbital?

All four quantum numbers i.e principle ,azimuthal or subsidiary, magnetic and spin quantum numbers are required to specify a single atomic orbital.