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A precipitate can be a chloride, sulfide, sulfate, phosphate, carbonate etc.

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Q: Precipitates can be formed in what kind of reaction?
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Related questions

In what type of reaction are precipitates formed?

decomposition reactions

What is the precipitate color formed from silver nitrate and potassium chloride?

In this reaction white precipitates of Silver chloride are formed.

What does formation of a percipitate means?

The formation of a precipitate means that some sort of insoluble product is formed that "precipitates" out of solution

What type of reaction is common to the formation of all precipitates?

No reaction. Precipitates generally form by a physical change called flocculation in which crystallization may also occur.

What happens when you mix solutions of lead nitrate and potassium iodide?

A precipitation reaction occurs. Yellow precipitates of lead iodide are formed. The equation for this reaction is Pb(NO3)2 + 2KI -----> PbI2 + 2KNO3

What kind of reaction is formed when ionic or covalent bonds are broken and elements ions or simpler molecules are formed?

Decomposition reaction

In a reaction precipitates are likely to form if either products has?

low solubility.

What are precipitators?

In a precipitation titration, the stoichiometric reaction is a reaction which produces in solution a slightly soluble salt that precipitates out.

What are precipitation titrations?

In a precipitation titration, the stoichiometric reaction is a reaction which produces in solution a slightly soluble salt that precipitates out.

What precipitate is formed from potassium hydroxide and sodium chloride?

NONE!!! All four ions remain in solution. The ions being K^+ , Na^+ , OH^- , Cl^- .

What are the characteristics of any chemical reaction?

forming of white precipitates . release of heat .

What are some solid formations that result from a chemical reaction?

These solids are called precipitates.