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The then current Plum Pudding theory of the atom was wrong: protons and electrons were not evenly distributed and free in the atom, instead the protons carrying the positive charge must be concentrated in a very small volume at the center of the atom that he named the nucleus with the electrons orbiting some distance away.

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Most of an atom's mass occupies a very small portion of its volumes.

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Q: Rutherford's experiment included bombarding thin gold foil with alpha particles based on this research he concluded that?
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What feature of rutherfords gold foil experiment was most surprising to those who carried out the experiment?

Some alpha particles deflected, some went straight through and come were deflected.

What conclusion about the atom came from Ernest Rutherfords famous gold foil experiment?

The conclusions were that the nucleus in an atom must:- (1) Be positive as it repelled the positive alpha-particles (2) Have a high mass, as the deflections were massive (3) Be very small as only a few of the particles were deflected

What was the conclusion of Rutherford's gold foil experiment in terms of an atom's mass and volume?

Rutherford found that when when he aimed alpha particles at a thin sheet of gold foil, that some of the particles were deflecteted and didn't go straight through the foil. The reason for this turned out the be that they ran into the nucleus. Most of the particles did go straight through, so Rutherford concluded that the atom was mostly empty space. He also concluded that the center of the atom contained the nucleus and had positively charged particles he called protons.

Rutherfords gold foil experiment led to the discovery of the?

Nucleus - Rutherford fired particles at gold foil, and most went straight through. This showed that most of atoms are empty, and that most of the mass only occupies a small part of the atom. This part is known as the nucleus.

Which observations helped Rutherford determine that atoms have tiny dense positively charged nuclei?

A+ answer: A few of the alpha particles in his expeirment were deflected from the gold foil at large angles. Scattering pattern of alpha particles 'shot' at a thin gold foil. Most went straight thru showing the nucleus was very small. Analysis of the scattering showed electrical repulsion, not that the particles actually hit the nucleus and bounced off.

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What was the purpose of the fluorescent screen in rutherfords experiment?

detect charged particles

What was rutherfords experiment?

he shot tiny alpha particles throug a piece of gold foil. -Apex

What was ernest rutherfords's experiment?

he shot tiny alpha particles throug a piece of gold foil.

After bombarding a gold foil sheet with alpha particles scientist?

Scientists concluded that the atom consists of mostly empty space.

In Rutherfords gold foil experiment particles in dense atomic nuclei caused some alpha particles to bounce straight back from the gold foil.?


Who discovered the nucleus using his gold foil experiment?

Rutherford by bombarding gold foil with positively charged particles and noting that some particles were widely deflected.

What feature of rutherfords gold foil experiment was most surprising to those who carried out the experiment?

Some alpha particles deflected, some went straight through and come were deflected.

What is bombarding particles?

Bombarding particles is particle that bombard the wall of a surface.This usually happens because of the air pressure in something.

Why did Chadwick conclude that the particles produced by his experiment were neutral in change?

That wasn't even an answer! The answer to the question is this: Chadwick concluded that the particles produced by his experiment were neutral in charge because a charged object did not deflect their path.

Rutherford's experiment included bombarding thin gold foil with alpha particles. based on this research he comcluded that?

That this atom had a rather solid nucleus with a positive charge.

How is Mendeleevium produced?

By bombarding alpha particles with Einstsenium, Mendeleevium is produced.

How did Rutherfords work help form the presentday model of the atom?

His experiment with the gold foil and the beam of positively charged particles proved that the nucleus of the atom is not solid. The beam past through the foil and bounced back. Rutherford's experiment contradicted Thomson's theory that an atom is solid.