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highest occupied level

read the book, it is in bold and extremely easy to find.

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Q: The electron-containing main energy level with the highest principal quantum number is the atom's?
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What is the principal quantum number value for the highest energy electron in carbon atomic number 6?

The principal quantum number for the highest energy electron in carbon would be 2. It is easy to spot this, since carbon exists in row 2 of the period table. The row in which an element resides always shows the highest value of n, or the principal quantum number, that an electron can reside in.

What is the term used to label the energy level of electron?

Principal quantum numbers (n).

What is the maximum number of electrons in an atom whose highest-energy electrons have the principal quantum number 4 and the angular-momentum quantum number 0?

is the answer 32 electrons

The number of sublevels in an energy level is equal to the square of the principal quantum number of that energy level?

The quantum number for that energy level.

What is a principal quantam number?

The principal quantum number refers to the electron shell, or energy. Refer to the related link to read a Wikipedia article about quantum numbers.

What are quantam numbers?

from Max Planck's theory, quantum numbers are units of energy.

Which of the quantum numbers is related to the size and energy of the orbital?


What is the Principal Energy Level?

The quantum number relating to the size and energy of an orbital

The main energy level of an atom are indicated by the?

by the quantum number n. if n=1 energy level is at 1 if n=2 energy level is 2 for example 2s1

How is an orbital principal quantum number related to the atoms major energy levels?

The principal quantum number describes the size of the orbital. Because they have opposite electrical charges, electrons MORE.

What is the number of the principal energy level in which of the valence electrons are found?

the inner energy level of an atom has a maximum # of

The principal energy level that consists of one s orbital and three p orbitals has a quantrum number of?

Its Principal quantum no is 2