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Q: What are small molecules that must combine with large proteins to become immunogenic?
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When are Molecules created?

When atoms become bonded through covalent, ionic, or hydrogen bonds they form molecules.

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How could RNA have become involved in the mechanism for protein translation?

natural selection favored RNA molecules that synthesized catalytic proteins

How does protein in food become protein in the body?

Proteins are made of molecules called amino acids. When proteins enter the Body, they are broken up into amino acids that are more easily absorbed by the Body.

Why does eggs change colors when heated?

Eggs change color when heated because the protein molecules aggregate and become insoluble. Normally, the white of an egg is clear because the proteins are dissolved in water. However, when the egg is cooked, these proteins aggregate, or stick to proteins around them. These agglomerated proteins block the light differently and change the color of the egg.

What do digestive enzymes do during digestion?

Basically, the process of digestion causes large, complicated molecules to become smaller, simpler molecules. Proteins become amino acids. Starches become sugars. And so forth. Some chemicals remain unchanged; not everything needs to be altered to be digestible.

How element combine?

elements combine because no body noes :DBecause elements become ions then combine

How does do human get nitrogen in their diet?

we know that animal consume plants for food. These plants contain not only sugars and starches, but also other molecules containing nitrogen. These molecules are broken down into smaller molecules that can be absorbed by organisms. The molecules containing nitrogen combine together and form protein_a large molecule needed by animals to grow. Protein molecules essentially become part of the organism itself.

What bio molecules are in a ribosomes?

Ribosomes translate mRNA to proteins. In eukaryotic cells, the ribosomes attached to the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) produce proteins that are either to become part of organelles (such as lysosomes), the plasma membrane, or secreted from the cell. The free, or soluble, ribosomes found in the cytosol produce proteins that remain in the cytosol, e.g., the enzymes involved in glycolysis.

What happens when elements combine?

Elements combine to form compounds to become more stable

What happens to molecules at 0K?

Molecules at zero will not be gas anymore. Molecules will then become a solid.

Does an egg change color and texture when heated due to proteins losing their shape and become insoluble?

Eggs change color when heated because the protein molecules aggregate and become insoluble. Normally, the white of an egg is clear because the proteins are dissolved in water. However, when the egg is cooked, these proteins aggregate, or stick to proteins around them. These agglomerated proteins block the light differently and change the color of the egg.