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First ionization energy of sodium is 495,8 kJ/mol.
First ionization energy of potassium is 418,8 kJ/mol.

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1mo ago

The first ionization energy of potassium is 419 kJ/mol, while the first ionization energy of sodium is 496 kJ/mol. This means that it requires less energy to remove an electron from a potassium atom compared to a sodium atom.

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Q: What are the ionisation enthalpies of potassium and sodium?
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Is ionisation enthalpy of potassium higher than that of sodium?

The ionisation enthalpy of potassium is lower than that of sodium.

Why the first ionisation energy of potassium is only a little less than the ionisation energy of sodium?

The first ionization energy of potassium is only slightly less than that of sodium because both elements have one valence electron in their outermost shell, so they have similar electron configuration. The greater nuclear charge in potassium is offset by the increased shielding effect from the extra electron shell, making the removal of the valence electron in potassium slightly easier than in sodium.

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The symbol for sodium is Na and the symbol for potassium is K.

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The atomic symbol for sodium is Na and for potassium it is K.

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Potassium can displace sodium, as potassium is more reactive than sodium. When potassium is added to a solution containing sodium ions, a displacement reaction can occur where potassium replaces sodium in the chemical compound.

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Yes, there is a difference in the type of salt used in diclofenac sodium and diclofenac potassium. Diclofenac sodium contains sodium as the salt form, while diclofenac potassium contains potassium. The sodium content will be higher in diclofenac sodium compared to diclofenac potassium.

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Sodium-potassium ATPase is a membrane protein that helps maintain the sodium and potassium balance in cells by pumping three sodium ions out of the cell for every two potassium ions pumped in.

Is sodium potassium's common compound?

No, sodium and potassium are two separate elements.

How do you write sodium and potassium formula?

The chemical formula for sodium is Na and for potassium is K. Sodium and potassium are both alkali metals and are represented by their respective elemental symbols in chemical formulas.

What are the symbols of sodium potassium rubidium?

The symbols for sodium, potassium, and rubidium are Na, K, and Rb respectively.

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NaKATPase transports 3 K ions into the cell and takes only two Na ions out of it.