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Chemical Bonds

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Q: What do you call the forces that hold all atoms and molecules together?
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What are atoms in compounds held together by?

Atoms in compounds can be held together in a few ways, including both polar and non-polar covalent, ionic, coordinate, and a few others. These bonds are called INTRAMOLECULAR bonds, meaning that they are the bonds that hold individual atoms together in a compound, or molecule. ELECTRICAL FORCES HOLD ATOMS TOGETHER; ex. an atom's tendency to have a full valence shell. The atoms share their valence electrons, causing an electric attraction to occur between the atoms, forming what we call a chemical or atomic bond.Atoms and molecules (groups of atoms) attract via electromagnetic forces. Atoms consist of Electrons, Protons (which have positive and negative charge respectively) and Neutrons (which gives the atom mass).The movement of electrons within the atoms and molecules causes a charge. These charges are called electromagnetic forces. Two atoms or molecules which have opposite charges will attract each other and bond during a chemical reaction.

How many grams of iron are in 6.02 X 1023 atoms of iron?

That depends. For the most common form of Iron (Iron-56), there are 56 grams. You may also call 6.02 X 10^23 atoms/molecules a "mole" of atoms/molecules.

What do you call at least two atoms chemically bonded together?

That's called.. a molecule.

What would biochemist call the result of chaining many of these molecules together?

U think the anwer will be carbonhydrate

Are Atom and Molecule both chemical particles?

Yes. A molecule is what we call two or several atoms together.

Related questions

What hydrogen atoms and the oxygen atom in a water molecule are held by?

It all has to do with string theory. There are tiny "strings", as physicists call it, that help the molecules overcome the gravitational and electrostatic forces and bind them together.

What holds compounds in together?

Atoms in compounds can be held together in a few ways, including both polar and non-polar covalent, ionic, coordinate, and a few others. These bonds are called INTRAMOLECULAR bonds, meaning that they are the bonds that hold individual atoms together in a compound, or molecule. ELECTRICAL FORCES HOLD ATOMS TOGETHER; ex. an atom's tendency to have a full valence shell. The atoms share their valence electrons, causing an electric attraction to occur between the atoms, forming what we call a chemical or atomic bond.Atoms and molecules (groups of atoms) attract via electromagnetic forces. Atoms consist of Electrons, Protons (which have positive and negative charge respectively) and Neutrons (which gives the atom mass).The movement of electrons within the atoms and molecules causes a charge. These charges are called electromagnetic forces. Two atoms or molecules which have opposite charges will attract each other and bond during a chemical reaction.

What are atoms in compounds held together by?

Atoms in compounds can be held together in a few ways, including both polar and non-polar covalent, ionic, coordinate, and a few others. These bonds are called INTRAMOLECULAR bonds, meaning that they are the bonds that hold individual atoms together in a compound, or molecule. ELECTRICAL FORCES HOLD ATOMS TOGETHER; ex. an atom's tendency to have a full valence shell. The atoms share their valence electrons, causing an electric attraction to occur between the atoms, forming what we call a chemical or atomic bond.Atoms and molecules (groups of atoms) attract via electromagnetic forces. Atoms consist of Electrons, Protons (which have positive and negative charge respectively) and Neutrons (which gives the atom mass).The movement of electrons within the atoms and molecules causes a charge. These charges are called electromagnetic forces. Two atoms or molecules which have opposite charges will attract each other and bond during a chemical reaction.

If atoms never touch eachother.Does that mean I have never touch anything?

What we're defining as "touch" really changes at these scales. Atoms are never in physical contact with each other, but the atoms that you are composed of are still bound together chemical and physical forces that make them behave as single units. Those molecules are further bound together into cells, which are them bound together into you. Technically the atoms in you aren't touching the atoms that are in other things, but when you touch something the forces holding your atoms together and the forces holding that thing together are interacting, and that interaction is what we call touching. So the unsatisfying answer is, "Yes, but no." In the literal, atomic-scale sense your atoms never touch any other atoms. However, that's not really what the word "touch" means at human scale, so of course you touch things.

What do you call someone who studies elements atoms and molecules?

you call it chemist i think

Where does nuclear power get its energy from?

The power of nuclear energy comes from the forces holding the nuclei of atoms together. This is called the strong nuclear force, and it is far stronger than the electromagnetic force that holds the atoms in molecules together. When a atom undergoes fission, some of that bonding power is released. The power is expressed as kinetic energy of the atomic products of fission, and the kinetic energy of the randomly directed atoms is what we call heat.

What do you call it when 2 or more atoms join together to form a compound?

The process by which atoms combine is called bonding. Once they are bonded they are called molecules.

What do you call two or more different kinds of atoms joined together by a chemical reaction?

When more than one atom is joined together by a chemical reaction, the result is called a chemical bond which holds together molecules and the strength of the bond depends on the atoms or the reaction. ---------------------------- A molecule.

What did Robert Boyle call the groups of atoms that he studied?

he called them molecules

What do you call the motion of atoms and molecules?

oh yes they are always moving

What do you call it when substances chemically combine?

atoms or molecules... somoething like that.

What are molecules made of diffrent kinds of atoms called?

They are still called molecules. You could also call them compounds.