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Q: What happens if an organism has too many or too few chromosomes?
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How many chromosomes are there in each cell?

it depends on they living organism. like human we have 23 chromosomes and that mean we have 46 chromosomes each

What happens if a human has too many or too few chromosomes?

It depends on which chromosomes were present as to what the abnormality would be, if any. If they were missing one or had one extra there would be developmental abnormalities.

What happens to the multi cellular organism if a few of its cells die?

it wil die too

What happens during meiosis that ultimately results in a defect characterized by the deletion of chromosomes?

Nondisjunction occurs in too many cells or too few cells causing defects

What is it called when homologous chromosomes fail to separate properly causing to the gametes to have too many or too few chromosomes?


Failuare of homologous chromosomes to separate properly during meiosis result in gametes with too many or too few chromosomes?


Which stage of meiosis causes Down syndrome?

Mistakes in meiosis may cause Down syndrome. The error happens when the chromosomes segregate into the gametes. The egg or sperm may have too many or too few chromosomes. Down syndrome has an extra chromosome in the 21st pair.

What does a nondisjunction involve?

it occurs when the chromosomes during meiosis do not separate correctly and then it results in a gamete or egg cell too have too few or too many chromosomes. This can lead to different diseases.

What happens to plants and animals when a climate change like a ice age happens?

Those not suited for the change will die, but the very few that survive starvation will go one to reproduce. Over many generations, genetic mutation will fit the organism into a niche suited for that environment.

Albinos have the same number of what as non-albinos?

Albinos have the same number of chromosomes as non-albinos. It is a genetically recessive trait or mutation, not the result of too many or too few chromosomes.

How many chromosomes do eukaryotic organisms have in their body cells?

It depends on the type of eukaryotic organism. For example, both humans and fruit flies are a part of the kingdom Animalia, which is composed solely of eukaryotic organisms. However, humans have 43 chromosomes in 23 homologous pairs, while fruit flies have 8 chromosomes in 4 homologous pairs.

What is a colonial organism?

The simplest level of multicellular organization occurs in colonial organism. A colonial organism also called a colony is an organism of a few to many cells that are loosely attached to each other and that show little or no specialization among themselves.