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the attraction force due to electronegativity

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Q: What holds 2 ionically bonded atoms together?
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What holds covalently bonded atoms together and what are the properties of molecular compounds?

In a covalent bond the electrons are shared between atoms.

How does a covalently bonded molecule holds itself together?

Covalent bonds are formed by atoms sharing valence electrons.

A is a force that holds together atoms in a substance?

chemical bond holds together the atoms in a substance

What is the attraction that holds 2 covalently bonded atoms together?

Covalent Bond. A form of chemical bonding that is characterized by the sharing of pairs of electrons between atoms

What is it that holds atoms together?

Chemical Bonds holds atoms together, basically there is electrostatic force of attraction among different particles of atoms

What bond holds hydrogen atoms and oxygen atoms together?

The polar covalent bond between the hydrogen and oxygen atoms holds it together.

What is the force of attraction that holds atoms?

the force of attraction that holds atoms together is a chemical bond

What holds of the combinations of atoms together in molecules?

atomic forcesType your answer here...Electrostatic attractive force holds combination of atoms together in molecules.

What holds the atoms together in covalent bonds?

Covalent bond is formed by the sharing of electrons between two atoms and it is this force of attraction that holds the atoms in covalent bond together.

What force holds the sun together?

The sun is just a huge ball of hydrogen and helium. The heat created on the sun is from billions of hydrogen atoms smelting together to helium atoms. All these atoms are held together by the gravity.

What force holds holds atoms together in a compound?

A Chemical Bond

What binds atoms?

It is the electromagnetic force that holds electrons and protons together in atoms, and which hold atoms together to make molecules.