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This could be a description of a dipole, as of a ferromagnet where the fields at the poles are opposite.

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Q: What is an object in which the electrons at one end spin in one direction and the electrons at the other end spin in an opposite direction?
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Friction always acts in the opposite direction, of the other object's motion.

In which direction does friction act?

Friction always acts in the opposite direction to that of the motion of the other object. Meaning, friction slows down the motion of an object by exerting opposing forces on it.

What direction does friction act in to an object's direction of motion?

Friction will always act in the direction opposite of the relativistic motion of two objects. If object A is moving to the right on object B, then object A will experience the friction to the left. However, object B will be moving to the left on object A and will therefore experience the friction acting towards the right.

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friction and any other kind of force that is in the opposite direction

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Friction is a push force. When one object pushes one direction on an object the other object pushes the opposite direction. The harder an object is pushed against another the more friction there is.

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Any force will cause change in velocity (speed and/or direction)if it isn't canceled by an equal, opposite force.

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Friction always acts in the opposite direction to that of the motion of the other object. Meaning, friction slows down the motion of an object by exerting opposing forces on it.

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Just like any other source of friction, air resistance effectively results in a force opposite to the object's motion. If the object is falling, then the force is upward.

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The rotational direction of Venus and Uranus is opposite to the direction of the rest of the planets.

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If the object is not moving, or is traveling at a constant velocity, all forces acting on the object are equal and opposite to each other. If the object is accelerating (speeding up, slowing down, or changing direction) the forces are not balanced.