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Atoms have protons, neutrons and electrons that are not visible with naked eyes. Infact, even atoms are too small to be seen with naked eyes.

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Q: What is made of particles atoms and molecules that are too small to be seen with the unaided eye?
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Why are atoms and molecules alike?

They are both small particles.

Matter is made up of small particles called atoms or molecules?


Are particles bigger than molecules?

No, particles are little parts of atoms that chooses what type of atom it will be.Such as gold or iron.Particles are electons,nuetrons and protons.The amount of each proton nuetron or electron also chooses what type pf atom it will be.A molicule is several atoms put together

Do inanimate object have cells?

No, they are made of atoms, ions or molecules, or other small particles that are not cells.

Why are particles in a solution extremely small?

The particles involved in a solution are about the size of molecules and atoms. This is because it is only the forces between these particles that make the solution possible.

What do the words atoms molecules and particles mean in a discussion of gases?

Atoms are the smallest unit of a single element. Molecules are clusters of atoms bound together, like O2 (oxygen) or NO2 (Nitrous Oxide). Particles are still small, but large enough to reflect light, and usually made of lots of molecules.

Are all substances made of tiny particles too small to be seen?

Yes, they are called molecules or atoms depending on if the substance is a compound or element.

Does atoms have small parts in it?


Is molecule the smallest particle of matter?

No, atoms are not the smallest particles of matter. Atoms are the smallest pieces of a chemical element, but atoms are made of even smaller particles. We know that neutrons, protons and electrons make up atoms. And there are even smaller particles when we begin to look at what is called the particle zoo.

What are extremely small units of matter?

Molecules, and atoms that make up molecules. An atom is made of smaller particles called protons, electrons, and neutrons. Smaller to this are groups such as fermions, Hadrons, Bosons

What elements extremely small particles called?

All elements are composed of extremely small particles called atoms. Atoms are composed of protons, neutrons, and electrons.

What geometric structure of atoms or molecules are in an orderly arrangement?

There are no factual structures to an atom because atoms are such small particles. The theory is that there are charged, neutral and negative nucleus that make up a single atom.