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There is no atom with that mass. Even hydrogen, the lightest element, has an Atomic Mass of 1.674 x 10 ^ -21 g

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Q: What is the atom if the mass is 2.67x10-24 g?
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What is the mass of an atom called?

Atomic mass and mass of an atom are somehow different from one another. Atomic mass of carbon will be 12. But mass of one carbon atom will be 1.992 x 10-23 g. As we say atomic mass as 12, it means that it will be 12 times as that of hydrogen atomic mass. If we say 12 g of carbon then it will be considered as gram atomic mass of carbon. Each gram atomic mass of an element will have 6.023 x 1023 number of atoms. 6.023 x 1023 is known as Avogadro's number. Gram atomic mass is also termed as one gram mole. So 6.023 x 1023 atoms weigh 12 g. Then one atom's mass ie mass of one atom will be 12/ 6.023 x 1023 = 1.9923626 x 10-23 g.

What is the mass of one boron atom in grams?

mass (g) = atomic wight / Avogadro's number Avo = 6.022x10^23

What is the gram atomic mass of hydrogen atom?

1 mole of H weights 1.008 g 1 mole = 6.02 x 10^23 particles Mass of 1 atom = 1.008 g / 6.02 x 10^23 = 1.67 x 10^-24 g

The actual mass of an atom of argon is is 6.63x10-24g How many atoms are in a 40.0-g sample of argon?

Divide 40g by the mass of one atom to find the number of argon atoms.

What is the mass of argon in kilograms?

The atomic mass of argon is 4 g. So one atom of argon will weigh 0.004 kg

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