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The electron

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Q: What is the energy required to overcome the attraction of protons in the nucleus and remove an electron from a gaseous atom?
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The energy required to overcome the attraction of the nuclear charge and remove an eectron from a gaseous atom is called?

ionization energy

What is meant by isolated gaseous atom and why this term is used in case of ionization energy?

ionization enthalpy means the energy required to remove an electron from isolated gaseous atom in its ground state . the isolated gaseous state is the state in which no other force of attraction acting on an atom form other atom . so that, we get the exact energy required to romove or add an electron to an atom. and here ground state is used to say that electron are stable and are not exited .. so , the ionization enthalpy is the energy required to remove an electron from gaseous atom which is free from other atom in that state in which electrons are stable. by shashank

What energy is required to remove an electron from an atom?

The energy needed to remove an electron from an atom (in the gaseous state) is called the IONIZATION ENERGY.

What is the energy required to remove an electron from an atom in the gaseous?

The ionization energy, expressed in kJ/mol.

What is the energy required to remove an electron from an atom in gaseous state called?

ionization energy

What is 1st ionisation enthalpy?

it is the energy required for a mole of atom to loose a mole of electron.

What is first ionization enegy?

Ionization energy is more commonly used to remove the topmost electron in the atom very important information if you are getting ready for a test.

What is the meaning of a negative value for the electron affinity of an atom?

Electron affinity is the amount of energy required to remove an electron from an atom. Or an energy released by adding an electron to a gaseous atom ( ie, negative quantity). In this case, if an element has a negative Electron Affinity, its indicating that this element is stable than the neutral ones.

What happens to molecules when they change from a sloid into a liquid?

The molecules gain energy so they break up the solid structure and move more freely, however, they still have some attraction. More energy is required to weaken this attraction This molecule to molecule attraction is weakest in gaseous state of matter

Does it mean that substance at a gaseous state does not have attraction forces?

NO it does not mean that substance at a gaseous state does not have attraction forces . It simply means that they have very very very weak forces of attraction . Therefore they have very high kinetic energy as compared to other physical states.

What is the third ionization energy for fluorine?

Second ionization energy of fluorine is the amount of energy needed to remove an electron from a unipositive fluorine atom (F+)to form F2+,in all the gaseous state

What is ionisation energy What is first ionisation energy?

The first ionization energy of an atom or molecule describes the amount of energy required to remove an electron from the atom or molecule in the gaseous state.