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Q: What is the major product formed when 1-pentene reacts with water in the presence of dilute sulfuric acid?
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What is the product of dilute sulfuric acid added to a solution of lithium hydrogen carbonate?

H+ +hco3 -> h2o + co2

What is the ratio of water and concentrated sulfuric acid in dilute sulfuric acid?

It depends on how diluted the dilute sulphuric acid is (i.e. its concentration).

In the atmosphere sulfur trioxide will dissolve in rainwater to form dilute sulfuric acid This then falls to the earth as acid rain Is this process of forming dilute sulfuric acid product-favored?

Yes at low temperatures; no at high temperatures! If H° <0 and S° <0 then a reaction is product-favored at low temperatures but not at high temperatures.

What is the substance formed when 2-methylpropene is bubbled into dilute sulfuric acid at room temperature?

The main product is Ter. butyl alcohol.

Why is Concentrated sulfuric acid a weaker acid compared to dilute sulfuric acid?

Concentrated sulfuric acid has sulfuric acid molecules where dilute sulfuric acid has sulfate ions and hydrogen ions. Water in the diluted solution acts as the ionization medium.

Is dilute sulfuric acid a compound or a mixture?

Dilute means that something is in a mixture. In this case it is a mixture of sulfuric acid and water which are both compounds.

What is left when you evaporate dilute sulfuric acid?

Driving off the water from dilute sulfuric acid will increase the concentration of the acid to the point where it will contain virtually no water.

Is dilute sulfuric acid a stronger acid compared to concentrated sulfuric acid?

No, although "concentrated" sulfuric acid (essentially pure H2SO4) is less dissociated than dilute sulfuric acid, simply because there's no water around for it to dissociate in.

How do you make concentrated sulfuric acid from dilute sulfuric acid?

You need to remove the water by evaporation.

What happens when copper is reacted with dilute sulfuric acid?

Copper does not react with dilute Sulphuric acid.

Is dilute sulphuric acid basic or acidic?

Dilute sulfuric acid is still acid. It is NOT basic at all.

If zinc is first added to dilute sulfuric acid then concentrated sulfuric acid and acetic acid in which case will the fizzing be most and least?

The most fizzing will come from the concentrated sulfuric acid, then dilute sulfuric acid, then the acetic acid.The amount of fizzing is due to the concentration of H+ in the solution, and concentrated sulfuric acid has the most H+ in solution. The dilute sulfuric acid has less (because it is dilute) and the acetic acid solution has the least of all because it is a weak acid rather than a strong acid.See the Related Questions for more information.