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It is 11.3

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To find the molarity, we first need to calculate the weight percent of hydrochloric acid in the solution: 35% of the solution is HCl. Then we calculate the molarity using the specific gravity, which is the ratio of the density of the solution to the density of water. Finally, we use the molarity formula to find the molarity: Molarity = (Weight % HCl / molar mass of HCl) / (Specific gravity of the solution).

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Q: What is the molarity of 35 per cent Hydrochloric acid solution with specific gravity of 1.8 gram per liter?
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What is specific gravity and percentage purity of Hydrochloric acid?

Specific gravity is the ratio of the density of a substance to the density of a reference substance (usually water). It is a measure of how dense a substance is compared to water. The percentage purity of hydrochloric acid refers to the concentration of pure hydrochloric acid in a solution compared to impurities or water in the solution.

What is the specific gravity of copper sulphate solution?

The specific gravity of copper sulfate solution can vary depending on the concentration of the solution. However, a typical range for the specific gravity of a saturated copper sulfate solution is around 1.15 to 1.35 at room temperature. It is important to measure the specific gravity accurately for the specific solution you are working with.

What is the specific gravity of NaOH?

The specific gravity of NaOH solution can vary depending on the concentration. For a 50% NaOH solution, the specific gravity is around 1.53.

What is the specific gravity of a 25 percent solution of Sodium carbonate?

The specific gravity of a 25% solution of Sodium carbonate is approximately 1.105. This means the solution is slightly heavier than water.

What is the normality of 96 percent solution of sulphuric acid of specific gravity 1.84?

To find the normality of the solution, you first need to calculate the molarity. Given the specific gravity and concentration, you can determine the molarity to be around 18 M for sulfuric acid. Then, you can calculate the normality by considering the number of equivalents of acid per mole.

Related questions

What is specific gravity and percentage purity of Hydrochloric acid?

Specific gravity is the ratio of the density of a substance to the density of a reference substance (usually water). It is a measure of how dense a substance is compared to water. The percentage purity of hydrochloric acid refers to the concentration of pure hydrochloric acid in a solution compared to impurities or water in the solution.

What is the specific gravity of copper sulphate solution?

The specific gravity of copper sulfate solution can vary depending on the concentration of the solution. However, a typical range for the specific gravity of a saturated copper sulfate solution is around 1.15 to 1.35 at room temperature. It is important to measure the specific gravity accurately for the specific solution you are working with.

The specific gravity of water is 1.0?

The specific gravity of pure water is 1.0000 at 4 °C and 1 bar. Deviations from this will change the specific gravity. At 0°C and 1 bar, liquid water has a specific gravity of 0.9999 (one of the only substances to EXPAND as it approaches its freezing point). At 100 °C and 1 bar, the specific gravity of liquid water is 0.9584. At 0 °C and 150 bar, liquid water has a specific gravity of about 1.007.

Concentrated hydrochloric acid is 37.0 percent by mass HCl and has a specific gravity of 1.19 What volume of this acid must be diluted to one liter to produce 0.300 M solution of the acid?

To calculate the required volume of concentrated hydrochloric acid to produce a 0.300 M solution, first determine the amount of HCl needed. Since the concentrated HCl is 37.0% by mass, you have 370 grams of HCl in 1000 grams of solution. From the specific gravity, we can calculate that the volume of this solution is 840 ml. Diluting this to 1 liter means adding 160 ml of water.

What is the specific gravity of NaOH?

The specific gravity of NaOH solution can vary depending on the concentration. For a 50% NaOH solution, the specific gravity is around 1.53.

What relation between specific gravity and concentration of solute?

Specific gravity is a measure of the density of a substance compared to the density of water. As the concentration of solute in a solution increases, the specific gravity of the solution also increases. This is because the presence of solute particles increases the overall density of the solution.

What is the specific gravity of a 25 percent solution of Sodium carbonate?

The specific gravity of a 25% solution of Sodium carbonate is approximately 1.105. This means the solution is slightly heavier than water.

What is the normality of 96 percent solution of sulphuric acid of specific gravity 1.84?

To find the normality of the solution, you first need to calculate the molarity. Given the specific gravity and concentration, you can determine the molarity to be around 18 M for sulfuric acid. Then, you can calculate the normality by considering the number of equivalents of acid per mole.

What is relationship between specific gravity and concentration of sodium hydroxide?

The specific gravity of a sodium hydroxide solution increases as the concentration of sodium hydroxide in the solution increases. Specific gravity is a measure of the density of a substance compared to the density of water, so a higher concentration of sodium hydroxide will result in a solution that is denser and has a higher specific gravity.

What is the concentration of 5 Baume HCl?

The Baumé scale does not directly measure the concentration of a solution. For example, to determine the concentration of nitric acid from a hydrometer reading, you would need to determine the specific gravity and then utilize a table of known specific gravity values for nitric acid at known concentrations. Using the formula to convert ºBaumé to specific gravity: specific gravity = 145/(145-ºBaumé) you get a specific gravity of 1.0357 for a 5ºBaumé reading on your hydrometer. Then you can go to a table of values, such as the one in the CRC Handbook of Chemistry & Physics (mine is 60th Ed., page D-240) for a table that has various concentration values for specific gravity values. In this case, the closest value of specific gravity to 1.0357 is 1.0352, which corresponds to a 7.50 wt% or a 2.129M HCl solution. Hope this helps!

What are the relationships between electrolyte specific gravity freezing point and state of charge?

The specific gravity of an electrolyte solution can provide an indication of its state of charge, with higher specific gravity typically indicating a higher state of charge. The freezing point of the electrolyte solution decreases as the state of charge increases, due to the higher concentration of sulfuric acid in the solution. By measuring the specific gravity and freezing point of an electrolyte solution, you can gain insights into its state of charge and overall health of the battery.

How do you prepare a solution of specific gravity 1.06?

To prepare a solution of specific gravity 1.06, you need to dissolve a substance in water that will give you that specific gravity reading. The most common substance used for this is sugar, where a concentration of around 5.55% sugar in water would give you a specific gravity of 1.06. Alternatively, you can use a hydrometer to measure the specific gravity and adjust the concentration of your solution until you reach the desired value.