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Inter phase including G1, S, G2 and then M phase.

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Q: What is the sequence of events that occurs in the Cell from one mitotic division to the next?
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The sequence of events that occurs in a cell from one mitotic division to the next is called what?

Cell cycle and phases of nucear division

What type of cell division occurs in cloning?

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What is the sequence of events that occurs from the end of one division to the end of the next division?

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Within a half hour after fertilization.

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DNA replication occurs just before cell division, meaning both daughter cells have DNA occurs during interphase

Why can't prokaryotic cells undergo mitotic division?

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What is the difference between Karyokinesis and Cytokinesis?

Karyokinesis: It is the division of nuclear material in cell division.Cytokinesis: It is the division of cytoplasmic material during cell cycle of divisionKaryokinesis occurs well before cytokinesis. And both the above steps occurs in mitotic or meotic phase depends upon the the type of cell.