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-1.68 V

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Q: What is the standard reduction potential E for the half-reaction Al3 (aq) 3e Al(s)?
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-1.68 V

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What is the standard reduction potential E for the half-reaction Al3 (aq) 3e- Al(s)?

-1.68 V

Chemical formula for Al3 and CH3COO?

Al3+ and CH3COO−

What is the percentage of aluminum in aluminum oxide (Al2O3)?

The formula for aluminum oxide is Al2O3: Molar mass =581.77g/mol Al2O3.In one mole Al2O3, there are two moles of Al3+ ions, therefore 2 moles Al3+ x 26.982g/mol Al3+ = 53.964g Al3+ in one mole of Al2O3.GIVEN: mass of Al3+ = 53.964 g Al3+;Molar mass of Al2O3 = 581.77 g Al2O3UNKNOWN: % Al3+EQUATION:% Al3+...=...g Al3+x 100...g Al2O3% Al3+...=...53.964g Al3+x100......=...9.2758% Al3+581.77g Al2O3

What is the standard cell notation of a galvanic cell made with aluminum and nickel?

Al | Al^3+ Zn^2+ | Zn

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Al3 - Aluminum cationCN-Cyanide ion

What is the correct formula for a compound combining Al3 and S2?

Al3+ + S2- ------------> Al2S3

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Al(s) | Al3+(aq) Ni2+(aq) | Ni(s)

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Au(s) | Au+(aq) Al3+(aq) | Al(s)(-_^)

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Examples: U3+: Al3+, Ti2+ U4+: Ga3+ (UO2)2+: (SO4)2-, (HSO4)-

What is the standard cell notation for a galvanic cell with aluminum and gold?

Type your answer here... Al(s) | Al3+(aq) Mg2+ (aq) | Mg(s)