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As he concentration of sugar is higher at the outer atmosphere of rbc it will gain sugar inside and loss water

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Q: What will happen when rbc kept in 10 percent glucose solution?
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2% glucose solution is considered as a hypotonic solution for that the solution will enter the semi-permeable membrane of the red blood cells causing the cells to explode or burst. Why? It's because RBCs have a higher concentration inside it than that of the 2% glucose solution so the solution will enter the cells.

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copper is placed above the silver in the ractivity series which indicates that copper is more reactive than silver . when a copper coin is kept immersed in a solution of siler nitrate ,silver from its solution will deposit on copper coin . copper slowly displaces silver from the silver nitrate solution and the colour of solution changes from colourless to blue due to the formation of copper nitrate . the copper coin will disappear and silver will percipate out .