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You think probable to fermentation.

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Q: What word is a gradual chemical change caused by yeast and bacteria?
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Why is spoiling food a chemical change?

Food spoilage is a chemical change because it is caused both by oxidation of fats and the chemical changes involved when fungi and bacteria use enzymes to use the food for its own development.

What are two effects caused by a chemical change?

Two effects that are caused by a chemical change are changes from one substance into another. Another effect that can be caused by a chemical change is a change in the temperature of the surrounding system and substance, or a change in color of the substance.

Can a chemical cause a chemical change?

A chemical change can be caused by a reaction. It an element or compound reacts with another, it is known as a chemical change.

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Is etching glass with acid a chemical or physical change?

It is a physical change caused by chemicals. Chemical changes are phyiscal changes.

Is cabbage juice and vinegar a chemical or chemical change?

The color change, though physical by itself, is caused by a chemical change of some colored substances in cabbage.