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If you're using iodine, a negative test will be the color of the iodine solution, which should be a brownish color.

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Q: Which colour indicate a negetive test when starch is absent?
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What is the colour for a plant cell's starch grains?

what is the color of the starch grain

What effect does iodine have on starch?

it will turn the starch into blue black colour

What is the product of the reaction between starch and iodine?

There is a dark blue colour when iodine is added to starch instead of a yellow sort of colour when iodine is added to a substance without starch.

What colors does starch turn if there is a little amount present?

starch will not change its own colour but it can change the colour of iodine solution. iodine solution is originally brown. after adding starch, it will turn into dark blue.

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What is the role of the indicator?

indicator help us find out find out which molecules diffused and which didn't.... for example: starch indicator indicate starch......and.......glucose indicator indicate glucose.

What characteristic of a plant cell is absent in an animal cell?

a cell wall is absent in a plant cell and cell sap is also not there in animal cell ,starch grains

What color does the indicator turn when starch is present?

Iodine is used to indicate whether starch is present in a solution. If starch IS present, the indicator will turn dark blue/black. Iodine is used to indicate whether starch is present in a solution. If starch IS present, the indicator will turn dark blue/black. FOR WHAT PURPOSE WE USE STARCH-IODINE INDICATOR PAPER

What is the role of an indicator in the titration process?

indicator help us find out which molecules diffused and which didn't for ex: starch indicator indicate starch and glucose indicator indicate glucose.

Iodine turns what colour when its positive for starch?
