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The elements belonging to Group IA and IIA.

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Q: Which element has its outermost electrons in an S sublevel?
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Number of electrons on an s sublevel in the outermost electron shell of the group IA?

one electron

What metals have two electrons in the uter energy level?

The alkaline earth metals have two electrons in their outermost s sublevel.

Which elements have 2 electrons in their s sublevel?

If you're talking about any s sublevel at all, then any element except hydrogen would fit that. If you're talking specifically about elements that have the s orbital as their valence (outermost) orbital, and also have that valence s orbital filled with 2 electrons, then helium and anything in the second column of the periodic table will all fit that description. (He, Be, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, Ra)

What element has 2 electrons in the 1s sublevel and 4 electrons in the 2s level?

An element cannot have 4 electrons in the 2 s level. The s subshell can hold only TWO electrons. Carbon has 4 electrons in the 2p level, however, if that's what you meant.

How many electrons are found in each sublevel?

Multiply the orbitals in that sublevel by 2. The s sublevel has one orbital and can contain 2 electrons. The p sublevel has three orbitals and can contain 6 electrons. The d sublevel has five orbitals and can contain 10 electrons. The f sublevel has seven orbitals and can contain 14 electrons.

Why can a p sublevel hold 6 electrons while the s sublevel can hold no more than 2 electrons?

because sublevel p has 3 orbital and each orbital can hold up to 2 electrons meanwhile sublevel s only has 1 orbital and each can hold 2 electrons therefore sublevel p can hold more

Which block do alkali and alkaline earth metals occupy?

The alkali (Group 1) and alkaline earth (Group 2) metals occupy the s-block because their outermost electrons are in the s sublevel.

How many electrons can the S sublevel hold?

there are two electons in the s sublevel. It is the number of electrons that fit in the first orbital around an atom.

How many electrons are in the g sublevel?

There are 9 orbitals in a g sublevel. (there is 1 in an s sublevel, 3 in a p sublevel, 5 in a d sublevel, 7 in an f sublevel, 9 in a g sublevel, 11 in an h sublevel, etc.)

What element is a S?

the elements belonging to group 1 and 2 of the Periodic Table are s-block elements. it includes elements in which the outermost subshell is s and that have 1 or 2 electrons in their outermost shell.

An element whose highest occupied s sublevel and a nearby f sublevel generally contain electrons?

That element is a member of the Actinides (it's probably one of the following: Ac, Th, Pa, U, Np, Cm, Bk, Lr)

How many electrons are in the lowest occupied energy level in a Group 4A element?

It would be 3 electrons!Why?Antimony: 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10 4p6 5s2 4d10 5p3 Nitrogen: 1s2,,2s2,2p3Phosphorus: 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p3Arsenic: 3d10 4s2 4p3Bismuth: 4f14 5d10 6s2 6p3so on..